Bamboo Shrimp And Overfiltration


Fish Fanatic
Mar 19, 2006
Reaction score
La Salle, IL
I have a 55 Gallon tank with 1 Aquaclear 70 going and was wondering if I add another Aquaclear 70 if they'll be ok with the over filtration of the tank. I don't want to filter out all their food in the water.
It should be fine, adding another filter should actually help them because they like a strong current to help them filter. Adding another filter shouldn't do anything to kill all the infurosia that's in the water, just more evenly distribute it. Also, if the worst comes to the worst they can just pick food up using their fans, they wont starve but its not ideal.
I have a 55 Gallon tank with 1 Aquaclear 70 going and was wondering if I add another Aquaclear 70 if they'll be ok with the over filtration of the tank. I don't want to filter out all their food in the water.
dont forget Bamboo/Rockshrimp are filter feeders.!!!! would a second filter not do as Araxen fears?
as for a strong flow ive found a airstone behind something. i use a castle type decoration. the shrimp love it, lol i dont often see more than more than you see in this pic.
would a second filter not do as Araxen fears?
Nope, i think it would actually help the shrimp filter feed. The bamboo shrimp can also pick small food particles from the ground, but this isnt ideal.
Either way if you see the shrimp doing this too often instead of filter feeding, you can always just remove the second filter, though i doubt you will have toy.
Hrmmm I may have to move my bubble wall then. They were hanging around on my heater today and my bubble wall is right next to it. The heater wasn't on but if it kicks on I don't want them to burn up or anything.

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