Balloon mollies

Alien Anna

Fish Gatherer
Jul 10, 2002
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Saw some of these yesterday for the first time. I didn't like the look of them - they looked about to explode!

Does anyone know anything about them? Are they hardy? Or are they over-bred?
i have one ballon molly called specky i dnt think they look odd just premeantly pregnant :lol: hehehe they are hardy in my opinion and very godd natured!!! most mollies i have are apart from my sailfin she moody and doesnt hang around with any of the other fish bit of a bully...... but they are kool fish and if u dnt like them why woul du want them or dont u ..................confused u just asking out of interst??? :S :blink: :crazy:
I think the balloon molly is a cultivated variety which has been intentionally produced to have a deformed body shape.

I think they are as hardy as the normal mollies but i'm no expert on this subject, maybe william could give you a better answer to your question.
they often remind me of fantail goldfish with there big bellies maybe that where the idea came from also some have lyretails :D
aernympha said:
but they are kool fish and if u dnt like them why woul du want them or dont u ..................confused u just asking out of interst??? :S :blink: :crazy:
You don't expect me to make sense on Bank Holiday Monday, do you? :crazy:

Perversely, I like ugly fish. But I like them to be naturally ugly, rather than deformities bred by strange human beings. For instance, I love bristlenoses because they are incredibly ugly, but designed by nature to be that way. There is method in their ugliness. Those bug-eyed goldfish, OTOH, I just find upsetting because some of them are so deformed, they can't even feed properly.
The only goldfish i haven't got is the ones with the bubble eyes because i be afraid it would hurt itself in my aquarium.

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