Balloon Mollies


May 18, 2003
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Canada, Ontario
I've been thinking of buying some balloon mollies when I set up my new tank. But first I want to know how they get there balloon style and are they healthy fish?
Taken out of my aquarium book ' A cultivated variety which has been intentionally produced to have a deformed body shape'

But in my opinion i would say that they are healthy, I quite like the look of balloon mollies myself coz i think they look rather cute.

I'm sure some else in here keeps balloon mollies but i can't remember who it is. (there name has escaped me)

Balloon Mollies, are pretty kewl fish, have have had a few, and right now I have 2 males :angry: when i bought them one was kinda young so i thought it was a female, and today I noticed that it was a male, so I have been waiting for babies for nothing, LMAO. But they are good fish, they kinda have like their own personalities, because 1 one of them were friends with my Betta, while the other one attacked him. But besides that they are nice fish, they might be a little horny, but most of my Mollies are, dunno why though! :wub:
i have a balloon mollie in my tank and i think it is the best fish i have. if you want a fish with a "personality" a was said before, go with a balloon molly. they r great.
:wub: Balloon belly's are great! I have had several and they are just the funniest thing's to watch..they waddle around the tank, bump the platy's in the butt.. My kids love them. They are very hardy& I have had little problems with them. Now that my 55 gal is cycled I have to get a few more :wub:

Go ahead ya know ya wanna get them lol...Good Luck

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