Balloon Mollies


Sep 3, 2003
Reaction score
In My Own Little World
hi there! i'm planning a new community tank with Balloon Mollies, and have some questions.

- will they get along with a male Betta, an Apple Snail, Corydoras and an African Dwarf Frog?
- how do you tell male from female?
- how do you tell if a female is pregnant?
- how many fry per drop?

I can't answer the first question but the answer to your second question is the males have a long, pointed anal fin called the gonopodium and the females are usually rounder and larger than the males and have a rounded anal fin. A way to tell if the female is pregnant is look for the gravid spot on light colored livebearing fish. The darker it is, the closer she is to delivering. There are usually about 12-30 babies released in 1 litter.
BettaBoyz said:
hi there! i'm planning a new community tank with Balloon Mollies, and have some questions.

- will they get along with a male Betta, an Apple Snail, Corydoras and an African Dwarf Frog?
- how do you tell male from female?
- how do you tell if a female is pregnant?
- how many fry per drop?

male bettas are usually in calm water. you can't have a filter running cause it doesn't like that environment. the males are very aggressive so it might bite other fish and frys. you can tell if a pregnant fish is about to give birth when the body is more square then round. for a molly, the average drop is about 30 but it depends how big the fish is.

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