one of my favorite tanks, is my Hillstream tank... it's heavily stocked with a large variety of species, and they all seem to get along... in an attempt to give them all the variety they need to thrive, I often mix several foods together... they eat more than algae, and go crazy for frozen brine shrimp... they also love Bug Bites, that I grind to dust in a mortar and pestal... I found this food, that I'm going to add a small portion in with the dusted Bug Bites...
they sure love the lucky bamboo, that is in the bubble waterfall... working on the tank yesterday, there was probably 20 various Hillstream's on the bamboo stalks in the bubbles
they sure love the lucky bamboo, that is in the bubble waterfall... working on the tank yesterday, there was probably 20 various Hillstream's on the bamboo stalks in the bubbles