Bala/silver Shark


New Member
Oct 30, 2006
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G'day All,

Can any one tell me whether Bala sharks are territorial, I had 2 but I'm now down to one. They were both there in the morning and when I came home in the evening one had gone completely.

It's tank mates in a 150 litre tank 90cm x 36cm x 50cm (I know I have already been told the tank is to small for bala sharks, I am trying to find alternate accommodation.) are as follows.....

7 x Guppies
6 x Scissortail
1 x Bristlenose Catfish
1 x Bala Shark (There use to be two.)

I have not been able to find the body anywhere I have even checked the filter.

PH is with in range so is nitrate and nitrite.

All help appreciated
Mine are quite skittish, do you have a tight fitting lid? Maybe its jumped out.....
mine is not that territorial, seem like a peaceful fish. it may be worth checking that the fish is not caught in the lights of your tank. as mr williams states the can jump.
I lost on of mine once during the water change, i found him inside the box of the internal filter. But you have already checked there right?
I find them very agressive. I have two and they constantly chase and nip each other. I hate them cant wait to give them away. They wont even let me clean the algae off the tank without jumping out .Lol
I find them very agressive. I have two and they constantly chase and nip each other. I hate them cant wait to give them away. They wont even let me clean the algae off the tank without jumping out .Lol
where are you? i know of many people who would love to take them off your hands.
I find them very agressive. I have two and they constantly chase and nip each other. I hate them cant wait to give them away. They wont even let me clean the algae off the tank without jumping out .Lol
where are you? i know of many people who would love to take them off your hands.
I live in Wales. Although, i dont want to ship them. I also have 4 clown loaches.
Bala's are peacefull schooling fish and is recommened that you keep atleast 5 to 6 together and thus require a large tank, atleast 120USG+. This alone deters soem people. They will jump but if you are gentle with your movements then they will be fine. I have had my 6" bala swim up and hit his head on the lid a couple times and it sounded like someone hit it with a hammer....... anyways, just like any other animal, you have to know their behavioral habits and preferences to give them a happy life. If you want them to do what you want them too.... then your just gonna get frustrated.

O ya, back to your query.....check behind the stand or any other furniture near the tank. If you can't find the body then it prob jumped out and is dried up behind a piece of furniture :/ If you don't find it on the floor, then take all of your tank decorations out, as it may have darted to run away from something and got lodged under a rock or other decoration and may be now dead. If you leave it will nuke your tank with a lethal dose of ammonia as the body decays (depending on how big the tank is compared to the size of the fish). But still... I wouldnt want a dead fish in one of my tanks.
I have searched absolutely everywhere for the missing shark and have not been able to find it. Is it possible that he has been eaten????? :/

I have checked my ammonia, nitrate and my nitrite level and they all within acceptable ranges, but I have decided to do a few extra water changes for a couple of weeks just to be on the safe side. So since they are shoaling fish is it cruel to keep just one and should I try and get a credit for it at the LFS.

I just notice something really weird, my lone Bala shark seems to have started to shoal with my scissortails, is this possible should it be happening?
It could be possible. I think it is because your bala shark is lonely and wants some more of his own spieces. I would add some more bala sharks to your tank maybe like 2 or3.
It could be possible. I think it is because your bala shark is lonely and wants some more of his own spieces. I would add some more bala sharks to your tank maybe like 2 or3.
think you may find that the tank is too small for the bala, especially three. these fish need swimming room. mine is in a 180ltr, its only 4" but the tank is too small now, imo

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