Bala/Silver shark problem


Fish Addict
Feb 5, 2004
Reaction score
The Great White North
So, I discovered that my friend bought a Bala shark for his 20 gallon tank. It's only 3" long so it doesn't present a problem at the moment, but it will grow larger, although slowly.

I'm setting up a 70 gallon tank in a month or so; it's only 48" long X 16" wide X 21" tall. This might be a bit small for a Bala shark, but it's obviously better than a 20 gallon tank. I know Bala sharks like to be kept in groups; my question is wether I should buy another Bala shark once I get my friend's shark. My original plan for the tank was 3 clown loaches, 4 Pearl Gouramis and some small tetras or barbs.

Could a bad situation could be turned into a good one by replacing the 4 Gouramis with 2 or 3 Bala sharks?
i have had 5 bala's and for 2-3 months they were in my 55g. Then moved to my 125g. I have had them for more than 7 months and i havent noticed any growth. I though bala's are supposed to grow fairly quickly. Am I correct? Sorry this is a little of topic.

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