Bala Sharks


Jul 5, 2004
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Agincourt, Ontario, Canada
I just added 3 bala sharks to my 90g aquarium that also contains 6 raptor tetras. Do they have any special requirements? What food should I feed them and how long before I can add more aggresive tankmates? (ex. an Oscar, an emperor shark and a few tinfoil barbs?)
I personally wouldnt add an Oscar to that tank.
Bala Sharks grow quickly and can reach 15"/450mm in a relatively short time. They are also very skittish, and take fright at the slightest thing. Overly aggressive fish will spook them.

Make sure your tank is well covered, they take to the air very quickly.

Bala Shark Info.
I've had two bala sharks for about two and a half years now. They started at about 2 inches and now measure up to 8-9 inches. They are very skittish...both of mine have scars on their noses from hitting the sides of the tank. They are very peaceful and I'm not sure how'd they do with aggressive tankmates. I have mine with an albino rainbow shark and a pleco.
My Balas arent the kings of my tank...yet, the Torpedos currently hold the title, but I wonder if they would be less skittish when they get bigget with these torpedos around?
I love Balas they are my favourtite fish
I have 3 Balas with an Oscar and a Lima Shovelnose, and while they are quite skittish, mine don't seem overly bothered by the aggressive fish. They stay out of the shovelnose's way, but not to the point of running from him. If they want some food that is near him, they'll quite happily go and get it!!!
Having said that, are you thinking of adding all those fish to the tank? if so, I think you're going to have overstocking problems. Balas will grow to over 1ft, so will an Oscar, and tinfoils also get huge and need to be kept in groups, so you're going to have 7(ish) very active fish that all occupy the middle/upper region of the tank that are over a foot long in a 90g tank. That is pretty crowded!!
Just a suggestion, but why not lose the Oscar and Tin foils and get a couple more Balas instead?!!
The 90g has been running for 2 weeks without fish and 2 more weeks with just the aptor tetras. Its wierd...i haven't had any nitrate/ammonia/nitrite spikes yet.... :huh:
Off topic slightly, but "Raptor Tetra" - I am not familiar with that common name, and searching just turned up a couple of dyed fish references or stock lists without further details. Do you know the proper name of these fish, or can you post a picture?

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