Bala Sharks?


Fish Addict
Feb 23, 2009
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I was just wondering, I have a 20 gallon tank, but my sister and I wanted a Bala Shark, what size tank do I need for that? I know they grow quite big, so unfortunately, I might not be able to get one, as I've got no more room for another fish tank, anyways, I mostly have livebearers in my tank, (about 8-9 fish total) would the shark be aggressive towards the other fish if the tank isn't big enough? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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They need 100gallon minimum.
I'm afraid it would grow over half the size of your tank (or not, if you do buy one) and possibly eat your little fish.
As a good alternative, try some praecox (dwarf neon) rainbows, cherry barbs, neons, rasboras in a small shoal.
Oh ok, thanks! How many fish could I have in my tank? Right now I have 4 mollies, (all females) 2 swordtails (both females) 1 molly (male) a tetra (that's 9 years old!) and a algae eater, so 9 fish altogether, and I have a 20 gallon tank,
Oh ok, thanks! How many fish could I have in my tank? Right now I have 4 mollies, (all females) 2 swordtails (both females) 1 molly (male) a tetra (that's 9 years old!) and a algae eater, so 9 fish altogether, and I have a 20 gallon tank,
What's your filter and how often do you do water changes...How often would you be willing to do water changes?
is the algae eater a common gibbiceps?If so it will have to be rehomed I'm afraid, if cared the properly they will get at least 16"
a shoal of 8/10 rainbows, or cherry's, or a shoal of 15 rasboras or possibly 20 neons may work.
If you do 50% weekly water changes and run the equivalent to say, a fluval 3.
Ugh,.... sorry I don't know what kind of filter my tank has, it's a brand name, but I just woke up so I can't think, lol
I change about 25% of the water once a week, (is that right, or am I doing to less, to much? etc) Mine isn't a common gibbiceps, it's kinda a peach color, but he is about 4-5 inches long already (about this big) ................................................................................
............................ which is pretty big for my tank, I also forgot to add, that I have a male and female guppy, I can't beleive I forgot about them! lol, I've had em for about 5-6 months and they haven't had babies yet,
Is this the sucking loach?

It can look alot more yellowy than that.

If it is, they get very territorial as the grow older and will attack any large bodied fish. Eg, Angels and Gouramis

They can, and should, grow to around 10". Often they aren't given enough room in tanks and so are stunted and only grow to a max of 6"
Yes!!! That is exactly what my loach looks like!! What kind is it?
I always thought it was an algae eater, I thought it looked weird for one... lol
It is called a 'Chinese Algae Eater' though yours is the 'golden' or 'albino' version of it. :good:

Just dug up the latin name Gyrinocheilus aymonieri
Given the correct size tank these are great fish, i used to own one up until recently, they do very good in sub tropical condition's,however mine was kept in tropical conditions
Yes!!! That is exactly what my loach looks like!! What kind is it?
I always thought it was an algae eater, I thought it looked weird for one... lol
CAE's are most disliked fish, they don't do anything except attack other fish..
sorry cheesy but disagreeing with you buddy, mine never attacked anything, as i know others who have them without any problems, it because alot of people get sold them as cleaners for little small tanks and keep them with other not so good fish to mix with
sorry cheesy but disagreeing with you buddy, mine never attacked anything, as i know others who have them without any problems, it because alot of people get sold them as cleaners for little small tanks and keep them with other not so good fish to mix with
Mine sucked a 14" plecos eyes out, and at night chased my pearsei, parrot fish, basically everything.

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