Bala Sharks


Fish Crazy
Apr 10, 2007
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I've never really thought about these cool fishes, but I have two questions;

1) What kind of fishes can they be kept with? Especially, what cichlids in particular?

2) And can they be kept with plants?
i would strongly advise against the cichlids, i had a 2" krib that relentlessly mauled a 9" bala until death, best kept with other large peacefull fish, like tinfoil barbs, silver dollars etc! :good:
i had a 2" krib that relentlessly mauled a 9" bala until death
never heard of this before, i'd be suprised if a bala could fight it's way out of a wet paper bag.
i have 3 bala's and they are the most peaceful fish i have ever kept. mine are in with two frontosa and all get along fine, also 3 clown loach and some gourami's.
they need a large tank (the longer the better) and the can be abit skittish at times. the only aggression i have seen is at feeding times they chase each other sometimes and do a kind of smimmy type thing together(maybe it's sexual :blush: ).
as for plants i have no idea but mine don't eat my java ferns!!
hope this helps,
nath1 :good:
Thanks for the advice. They would look nice in planted tranks but it seems that nobody gos to that route.
They should be kept in groups of at least 3, otherwise they will be too skittish and may injure themselves. I've always kept mine in planted tank, and have never heard of them eating plants. I know that tinfoil barbs and silver dollars are known to eat plants. They should be kept with other community fish, but if you want to have them with cichlids, make sure you pick a lesser agressive species such as labs or fronts. They are very active fish and grow quite large, so plan on getting at least a 6 foot tank when they mature.
what do you mean a shimmy type thig? cause mine are doing something sexual as well.. like both back fins kinda hook ontogether and the swim together like they are trying to break apart but they don't? is this the same for you?(nath1)
Mine dont eat plants, they just peck away at them trying to find any algae.

As for tank mates, the bala's are very peaceful and get one with most fish but I wouldnt advise putting them with cichilids. Although when they get large they may eat small fish such as neon's.

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