Bala sharks with oscars?

Doesn't seem like it, since I belive they keep 1 lone oscar in a 55 gallon tank. But I don't know much about cichlids, so I'd wait for a reply from somebody else.
Yes, they will get along together. My concern is the growth rates. I'm unfamiliar with the growth rate of bala's, but Oscars grow very, very fast, and the 2" size of yours is not part of the equation - you must think in terms of an adult 12" Oscar. Back to my concern - if the bala's are also babies, and the Oscar seriously outgrows the balas, then they may become Oscar food.
Forsure they will become food, your best bet is to get the balas fisrt and wait untill they hit at least 6" then you can add a oscar, it worked with my BGK and oscars.
I personally think you would be alright if you bought 3 4" or so balas from you LFS and the oscar shouldnt out grow them incredibly. If has the two species in the same tank before and had no problems.
I have heard somewhere that albino oscars are less agressive and would be more suitable

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