Bala sharks dying

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Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
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i have 2 bala sharks and they seem really sick. They have some whitish patches on their bodies and some dark spots where scales apear to be missing. They also breath really heavily and often hang out at the surface of the water and near the heater. They've recently gotten bloated and one just died this morning. I tried treating the tank with jungle labs fungus clear. It didn't seem to help at all, so i don't know whats wrong. The other shark will probably die too, but i need to cure the tank for my eels sake. I don't want him to die as well. WHat should i do to clear the tank of disease? I have a very pourous rock in my tank too. Should i get rid of it? Thanks for your help in advance.
i'd suggest an immediate 20-30% water change and try as hard as you can, using net/forum/book to I.D the problem. I'd stop the medication until you know exactly whats wrong with them!!!
I haven't tested the water yet. I have a 50 gallon tank. There were 2 bala sharks(one now) and a peacock eel. I have the tank heated to 78 degrees. I teseted for amonia(which was fine) but not for ph etc. The medication i used stays in the tank for 4 days. This is day 2 now. I'm starting to think its ich, and i might treat for that. But if both bala sharks die, what can i do to make sure the eel doesn't contract the same disease. Can it live inside of a pourous rock?
You can't treat a disease if you dont know what it is...Putting medication in a tank and not being sure your doing the right thing can be dangerous IMO. I'd stop using any meds at all until you are positive. If your eel seems ok then i'd stay away from treating the unknown....concentrate on water quality instead.
I thought i was sure. The only reason i have doubt is because it didn't help any. And because they're breething quickly. They really swelled up to the point that i thought it was dropsy. Do fish with dropsey breath quickly? I only put the medication in once. It stays in for 4 days and your not supposed to do a second dose til the 4 days are up. So my two questions basically are, do fish with dropsey breath heavy? and do fish wiht ich swell up and get redish fins.
Fish will usually contract disease when stressed or kept in improper water conditions...As far as i know ich will not cause swelling but once it is weak enough to contract one disease im sure it could contract others aswell. What are your water readings?
my amonia levels are in the ideal range, but i don't have test strips for anything else. i think i'll get them tomorrow.
I just saw a red string of (what i think is) feces come out of the shark. its the same redish orange color as his food. does that help any?
I would....especially Nitrite and Nitrate test kits. Seeing as how you dont have them i guess you dont really know if its cycled or not. Any other questions feel free to post.
Well both sharks are dead now. and i think my eel is allright. His skin looks allright good, but i can't tell if he's breething quickly or not because i don't know what normal for an eel is. What should i do to my tank before adding more fish? i'm gonna change some of the water today.
Fish having trouble breathing sounds alot like nitrite poisoning.......I could be wrong but please test those nitrite levels!!
I'd suggest before adding anything else you make sure that your tank is stable..did you get a test kit? for the eel just making sure he is in a stable/cycled tank is the best thing you can do for him...Sorry about your bala's :unsure:

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