Bala Shark Question


Fish Fanatic
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Cornwall, South West England
Just wondering if a black red tail shark would be compatable with my silver bala shark, if anyone could help me with this that would be great :good:
Balas grow to 15+'', and should be kept in groups..

You probably don't have a suitable tank for balas in the first place..............

RTBS should be fine with bala sharks.. :S
from your signature, i remember your pictures mate, amazing combo of fish! Hows it all going?

I dont know much about Bala and the other shark you mentioned though!
balas like groups of 3+ preferably 4+, they will grow 14" long with 18" being the biggest recorded. for a shoal of balas you need a 120g.
would you keep 4 common plecos in a 120 gallon? And lets just say these 4 plecos are very active. No? Well then i wouldnt put balas in there..... 120 gallon doesnt cut it once you see the actual size of a bala shark, not only are they long, but shy, active, and wide.
I think a 120 long (which should be 72 inches, I think) would be fine for a group of 3 twelve inch bala sharks. The tank would be six times their length, which I think is enough.

Just remember when thse fish are small they are cute,and adorable and your pride as they grow. I lost four recently and was on the verge of them having to go back or a bigger tank.

I was repairing the tank and they cannot go in small spaces.

The other thing I will say is they require a lot of Oxygen so even when a third of there actual adult size you would need to have the water nreakijg the surface and an air pump 24/7.

They require a lot more water changes as these get bigger too and as I did not have a python and have bad hands anyways this was a real struggle.

Tney are very happy when in a group fun to watch but I guess I will now pay my money to go to the sealife centres.

Think realistically can you keep these long term and will you be pragmatic enough for them to move on or can you realitically home them.

I look at the darling in the lfs but they resemble the codling they grow fast in a couple of years you have a beautiful fish and the tiddler shuld not be sold in lfs in my opnion for what that is worth.
if you get anything it should be mates to the fish you have (clown loaches and balas)(which need bigger tanks)... however staying on topic rtbs is compatible with bala shark... but please get you current tank stock in order :good:
I was under the impression that RTBS were not good tank mates for balas because the RTBS are territorial towards other sharks, and might attack the bala because of the similar body shape.
In a big enough tank the RTS and balas should be fine. 120g should be fine for a group of 3. Plecos get up to 2 feet long. They also produce more waste.

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