Bala Shark has a disease!


New Member
Feb 26, 2003
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Hi I have a bala shark about 5-7 inches. He was doing fine until today I noticed he was breathing constantly, and had red around right where his arm fins touch the body. He also has a red dot like on his gills, but not where the slit is but right on the gill. I used Bio-Spira for my tank then I put the fish in. So my water levels are fine. all at 0. My ph is about 7.4. The only tank mates he has is three tiger barbs and two other balas the same size. My tank is a 50 gallon. I keep my light on 12 hours a day. I usually keep African cichlids so I never had a disease like this I don't know what to do. Please anyone help me.

Thanks Joshua

Sorry to hear your having problems.

A few question's to start.....

Let's start with your water parameters. You state that they are fine, all at 0!! I'm assuming you have test kit's for:


If this is correct then we can proceed. If not, then get these kit's and test the water or have your LFS test a sample for you.

What is the frequency and amount of your water changes?
What type of filtration do you have?
What are the demensions of your tank? WxLxH

The "breathing" constantly could be signaling an ammonia or nitrite problem IMO!!

The redness at the base of it's pectoral fin could be an early sign of a bacterial infection. Is the redness appearing at the base of both pectoral fins or just one?

On a simpler note, it could simply be the tiger barbs are harassing the bala!! Tiger barbs are known to be "little bullies" and this may simply be stressing the bala. Have you noticed if the barbs chase the bala's or not?

At this time, without knowing for sure if you have tested the water parameters it is really difficult to advise a good course of action.

Let us know the answers to the above questions as soon as possible and we can advise from there.


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