Bala Shark Growth Rate

Miss Wiggle

Practically perfect in every way
Mar 24, 2006
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can someone give me an idea of how fast they grow, how big they'd get after 1, 2, 3, 4 yrs etc and how long it takes to reach full adult size
With mine they got to about 5-6" within the first year and after 2 years are around 8-9". I would expect full size to take at least another 2 years or so, possibly more.
:good: thanks Andy

only seen them on sale as skinny juvi's but seen full size adults that are a lot fatter, what sort of age do they start to bulk out and get wider?
After 4" (so within a year or so) they start to bulk out. By 6" they tend to be about 2" deep.

I noticed they tend to fatten up a bit, then grow in length and almost fill up their length before growing again (like teenagers growing in height and then fiilling out ). this seems less apparent after the first couple of years once growth slows down.

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