Bala Shark Clamped Fin


New Member
Jan 28, 2013
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Hey everyone,
Had this issue a few weeks ago after only having 1 of my 2 bala's a few weeks.. He died after 2/3 days of having clamped fins/barely swimming. So I replaced him with another in order to keep the healthy bala company.. and once again a few weeks has passed and the newly purchased bala has the same problem. Clamped fins.. not eating much and not swimming properly.. Seems to be more floating at the bottom with the current and is fairly static. Any help? reasons as to why the this has happened? Original bala that survived is doing great and appears extremely healthy.
What other fish have you got in the tank ? What size tank are they in ?? bala sharks needs a huge tank.
nick1200 said:
What other fish have you got in the tank ? What size tank are they in ?? bala sharks needs a huge tank.
They were housed with a few tetra in a 10 gal (they are literally the same size as tetras currently so this was done whilst my other tank was cycling). So my presumption was maybe its a little stressed so moved it into my 4 ft, 40 Gal last night but still no improvement. Strange with the other bala thriving in the other tank.
Minimum Tank Size: 100gallons

Care LevelModerate


Water Conditions72-79° F, KH 10-15, pH 6.5-7.5
Tank sizes are off, Balasharks will have a go at other fish and themselfs. They prefer large packs of around 6 and need huge tanks, I wouldn't house them in anything lower than a 100 gal.
It maybe due to the tank size or due to bullying.
techen said:
Minimum Tank Size: 100gallons Care LevelModerate TemperamentSemi-aggressive Water Conditions72-79° F, KH 10-15, pH 6.5-7.5
Tank sizes are off, Balasharks will have a go at other fish and themselfs. They prefer large packs of around 6 and need huge tanks, I wouldn't house them in anything lower than a 100 gal.
It maybe due to the tank size or due to bullying.
Yeah (sorry I should've linked from another topic I started a few weeks ago explaining the situation). Well its now (2 inches long) in a 4ft tank on its on and the issue persists so.. that is not the issue, Nor would it explain the other bala doing very well.. Just wondering if theres any advise other than the steps ive taken?
PS as said I explained my situation in another thread so please don't start the 'fishGO' bashing due to me owning a bala shark. Thanks!
Am not bashing you just advising you that there going to suffer in that tank size anyway.
It's entirely up to yourself what you do for the well being of your fish :)
techen said:
Am not bashing you just advising you that there going to suffer in that tank size anyway.
It's entirely up to yourself what you do for the well being of your fish
I know mate sorry, appreciate the advise and as said I should've linked my other topic.
Good news is the little guy is looking a little better today. More mobile, Dorsal fin is up but pectoral fins still clamped. Never fed him last night incase it was a digestion problem (wishful thinking).
Looked to be really struggling still last night, but thankfully ive woke up this morning and the little guy looks totally back to normal. Fins out, good movement, lets hope he eats tonight..

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