Fish Fanatic
Hello so I’ve got a Bala shark and pleco in 75 gal (ik that’s too small. Gonna upgrade when I get round to it) I’ve tried SOOOOOO many plants but the 2 of them just wreck anything I put in there. Literally gone through 100s$ of plants from just these guys. All my other plants in other tanks are ok so I’m pretty sure it’s just these guys being difficult. They always uproot everything or tare them to shreds. Or if I am to get them rooted and them not destroy them, they will just destroy any new leaves meaning the plant will eventually die. I’ve tried crypts, Anubis, Vals, floaters (banana plants worked for a bit) water sprite, pennywart, Brazilian pennywort, even elodea and hornwart they ripped all the leaves off! and soooooo many more. I was thinking of trying a bunch of lucky on the end of tank with just their roots submerged. Or maybe looking into getting some water lily bulbs. Trouble is if need something stupidly solid and aren’t bulbs fragile? Any suggestions?