Bala Shark And Angelfish Compatibility?


Mar 10, 2007
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Manchester, UK
Are balas and angelfish compatible or do balas tend toward fin-nipping?
Does anyone keep these fish together?
balas get too big eventually i think to be kept with angels, they're also very nervous and skittish and angels like calm.

personally i wouldn't do it.

i know you're planning a tank of around 40-50g so working on the assumptiong you're looking for ish for that tank (sorry if i'm wrong) then bala's are a no go, they get way too big, you need a tank more than double the size you've been looking at.
balas get too big eventually i think to be kept with angels, they're also very nervous and skittish and angels like calm.

personally i wouldn't do it.

i know you're planning a tank of around 40-50g so working on the assumptiong you're looking for ish for that tank (sorry if i'm wrong) then bala's are a no go, they get way too big, you need a tank more than double the size you've been looking at.
Yep, thought they may have got too big. Doh...
Any suggestions? I was thinking of a pair of true siamese algae eaters, but i'd much prefer an active shoaling fish, neons, minnows etc are out because the of Blondie's desire to attempt to eat anything that small and fishy. Barbs are a no no cause of fin-nipping. Mollies prefer brackish(?) and produce to much waste. Dwarf frogs= too much waste and identification problems. I need something not too small, that doesn't grow too big, with a peaceful mind, an active body and that does'nt look too appetising.
I'm stumped! Any suggestions?
I was thinking that a couple more female gourami, of a different species to my honeys and dwarves, may liven things up? Is that asking for trouble?
Thanks again Wiggles, if you or Ian are ever in south manchester i owe you a few pints, actually make that a barrel....
why don't you look at the larger tetra's that will be too big for the angel, congo tetra's are my favourites. i think emperers also get to a decent size.

rainbows could also work nicely, not sure the latin name but saw some advertised as neon dwarf rainbows a while back and they were beautiful

make that a barrel of wine and you're on ;) :beer:
how about getting some zebra danios their nice fish dont think theywill nip you angels fins plus you may get see them drop some eggs and mar be able to raise them to fry
providing you have a big enought tank, bala and angels get on with no problems. but you do need a min 6 foot tank for a full growm bala. imo
why don't you look at the larger tetra's that will be too big for the angel, congo tetra's are my favourites. i think emperers also get to a decent size.

rainbows could also work nicely, not sure the latin name but saw some advertised as neon dwarf rainbows a while back and they were beautiful

make that a barrel of wine and you're on ;) :beer:
Will lambrini do? With a new tank i'm gonna be a bit short.....

Yeah i've had the congos recommended, most LFS near me sell young tetras from what i've seen, so i'd already assumed they'd be out of the question. Then again i tend to spend most of my time looking at gouramis and angels, and ignore pretty much everything else so i'll have a look this weekend. What about hatchetfish?
Thanks again.
ha ha yup, i'm that classy!!! :lol:

ummm not sure on hatchetts id think they'd be ok but not 100% sure. they are a tad delicate though so you'd need to wait a while before adding them, plenty of tiem for research though :good:
Agh, just noticed other posts.
Cheers guys.
I'll have a look at danio info, don't know much about them. Although having fry would probably give me some sort of nervous breakdown.
6 ft would be out of the question, thanks for the advice.
and no....
you can't have any beer :p
you shouldn't have a prob introducing more gourami's. i have cobalts and goldens in with angle's and a trio of bala's in together and have no probs with them although i have to agree, size is a consideration!!
good luck with your final choice!!!
nath1 :good: :good:

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