bajo catfish


Sting Ray Crazy
Jun 16, 2004
Reaction score
Edmonton, Canada
Does any one have one of these guys?
I'm interested in getting one. I have sand substrate which I think he would like.
Looking at my sig, what does everyone think!
I'm also going to give my mother in law one of my bristlenoses, but of course I really don't want to.
Tell me what you think!
All opionions matter!
Do you mean Banjo catfish?

I know those guys love sand. They are also good for the community tank, and get around 6 inches long. When it gets bigger, it likes live foods (your fish will be in no danger)--tubifex and earthworms seem to be favorites.

If that's what you mean, I think it would do well in your aquarium.

Why are you going to give away one of your bristlenoses, by the way?

P.S. Are you a frog person, too?
I have two! there's a picture in my signature.

They LOVE the sand I have in the tank and they stuff themselves on bloodworm and daphnia in jelly.

Here's some more pictures.
yes, thank you I do mean Banjo catfish.
I am a crazy frog lady that has 3 green tree frogs.
I really don't know what I'll do about my plecos.
I love them all.
do you think I have too many?
I'm bad.
I went and bought him.
His name is stick.
He lasted 30 sec and then I can only see the end of his tail.
His is lost in the sand.
The cories even graze and he doesn't care.
That's why I named him stick.
He was $20 Cdn.
Why can't I like cheap fish?

earthgirl said:
He lasted 30 sec and then I can only see the end of his tail.
It will take a while, but he will get braver and be about more, even during the day.

Remember to add small, sinking meaty foods (like bloodworm) after lights out.

Young Banjos like to hide vertically in plants as well, do you have plants?
SirMinion said:
Remember to add small, sinking meaty foods (like bloodworm) after lights out.

Young Banjos like to hide vertically in plants as well, do you have plants?
Yes, Sir, I have a alot of plants and seem to add more everytime I go the pet store!
I feed sinking shrimp pellets, algae wafers (for the plecs) and blood worms.
There is always nothing left in the morning!
I love my froggies!

They won't eat for anyone else but me, so who says that reptiles and fish don't have personalities!
One of my green frogs does acrobatics for me. I've had him for well over six months now, but he still dives in the water whenever I come in the room. Nor is he particularly bright. Once in a while he tries "diving" on the other side--right against the side of the aquarium. He then stands up on his hind legs against the glass and almost sort of "dances" for me. He's a weirdo. I don't know why he's so scared of me. I feed him!!!

My pacman is especially cool. He is bright, dark green with brown spots. His mouth takes up half his body, and his stomach takes up the other half. He gets the size of a baseball glove when full grown, and he has a nice, horny "tooth" all along his lower jaw, so I'm going to have to feed him with a tongs or risk losing a finger. He'll go after anything that moves. He's so cool! :wub:

Tell me about your frogs.
Sigmond is my fav froggie. Probably because he is my first. They only eat for me, and I hand feed them to make them a little more social. The fun things with green tree frogs is that they croak when the weather turns humid, so I always know when it is going to rain. I wanted to post pics of them, but this is a fishie forum.
I love my froggies too! :wub: :wub: :wub:
Does the pacman eat mice when they get older?
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: 20$ canaden? thats an outrage i got my banjo cat for 3$ american wow man my lfs must be awesome i can't beleave the prices i hear people pay for so fish :look: :look: :look:

p.s. i think cfc said it best banjo cats are like drift wood you have to feed lmao :lol: :lol: :lol: but to cool to past up i hade to get one

sorry if my spelling sucks i'm so verry tired :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :zz :zz :zz :zz :zz :zz :zz :zz :zz
i got bi-color banjo's and a giant banjo ( only a baby at moment!) great catfish these!
He is really cool!
He would be neater if I saw him a little more. Boy does he like to bury himself in the sand!
Pretty cool though when my husband came home and I said,"hey look at the new fishies I got today!" He seriously looked for about 10 min and said, "He died I can't find him!" lol
I showed him by digging him out and then he rolled his eyes and called me Crazy Fish Lady!
What are you doing to though, eh? :wub:

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