

If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
i was at a birthday party today and someone brought up the fact that I breed bettas and there was a person who was unfamiliar with them. Another person described them as the fish that eat plants. :huh:

How can people take information they recieve and just take it as fact like that?! It's so sad, especially considering that it would never happen with any other animal besides fish...i just don;t get it :(
i have a friend who came to look at my betta's and fry she went up to the fry tank and started banging on the tank well i shouted out her as all the fry were darting about not likeing it one bit she said what wrong i was saying u never bang or tap on glass tank why do u fink when u go in to a fish shop they have it on the tank saying **do not tap the glass** she just said well i always do it with my dads fish

i feel sorry for her dads fish
Indeed! I was at wallmart (yea, evil I know) picking up my latest hospice fish and, since I was short for time, some fake plants for the tank. While I'm in the checkout, the cashier picks up the plants and looks at them all disgusted like "Um, they need live plants to eat, you know?" I just stared at her for a long time and politely informed her that bettas are carnivores, and that aside from the occasional pea to stop constipation, they shouldn't be eating plants nor would they be terribly interested in them unless starving, as they often are in those goddamned vases. I told her I hoped she didn't inform every customer of this, as some might just as misinformed as her and take it as truth.

I want to strangle, stab, eviscerate, and drown the people who came up with those f*cking betta vases with the plants in them. They have resulted in so many fish suffering and starving just because their owners trusted a company to tell them the truth. :angry:
My gf has some relatives that have a betta. They keep it in a bowl that has a plant in it. They have had the fish for over 2 years and haven't fed him any food at all!!!!!
I told my gf that they are carnivorous and that's no way to treat a betta.
She replies with "Well it's been alive for 2 years" And that’s why its wrong, for 2 years he has been getting the wrong nutrition.

I truly think a lot of people don't educate themselves enough when it comes to fish keeping. They have the perception of "All I need is something that is glass and holds water. It's a fish so I'll get a plant for it to eat and clean the water... what an easy hobby!". It's too bad because it will be like this for a long time :(
Sorrell said:
i was at a birthday party today and someone brought up the fact that I breed bettas and there was a person who was unfamiliar with them. Another person described them as the fish that eat plants. :huh:
my females in my planted tank must be in food heaven if that's true :lol:

some people :rolleyes:

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