Baffoons Tank(journal)


New Member
Aug 12, 2006
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yo yesterday i set up my aquarium again (juwel rekord 60, 15 uk) :D this time with far more knowledge. i went for the silicia sand however im starting to doubt it now because it showsxs even the slightest spec and doesnt look to natural with the light i have. i also got fresh filterpads and a new light an reflector as the juwel ones are rubbish. I put the pebbles in and filled up, by the way if anyone wants to tell me a different way of there layout plz say. :p I did buy a bubble wall as the make good backgrounds put the pipe fell out the air pump again for the second time and the water dripped down the back and just missed the sockets :angry: so i just took it all out. Anyway here it is with no plants because the ones at the lfs were scabby so ill get them from another lfs. plz advise on plants if you wish cheers :fun:
im hoping to have it pretty simple maybe 10 plants but dont what. mainly a few sword like plants and some bushy ones to hide the filter ill be adding seachem root tabs but no co2 because lighting is only 15 watt so if any one can advise plants by the way PH is 7,2 and Kh is 6d :)
I like the rocks and the decorative figure. Anyways as for plants my suggestion is chuck in some vallis/anacharis for the background, these are both fast growing plants that can do well in low light. for a mid ground you could go with some java ferns/swords, also anubias on those rocks(assuming they aren't flush with the back), crypts could also work. as for foreground you could go with some java moss, hairgrass, some of the crypt family is very small, there is also small anubias. There are really a lot of choices, just depends on what kind of feel your going for.

i do suggest however on top of the root tabs you look at a trace fertilizer such as seachem flourish. this stuff is great and i have had great results.

goodluck :good:

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