Badis Badis


Fish Addict
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
Salisbury, Wiltshire UK
I think this is the right place to post this, if not please move to where ever.

Anyway I have 2 Badis, witch I've had about 3 months, Witch I think are just starting to mature, I think there male and female. Anyway they started to desplay and chase each other exspeshaly at feeding time.

The one I think is Female fins turm a dark Blue, and chase's the other away. The other is changing to red.

Have I got it wong, are they both male and fighting over there half of the tank, of is the Female not wanting to pair with the male.

I use to livebearers so have no idea about the behaviour of these wonderful fish.

any info would be great

Badis badis are great fish :nod: I haven't witnessed breeding behavior (lucky62 might have) but I know the male guards the eggs in a cave :)
check this out

I have badis badis badis or triple badis a.k.a blue badis .

My females are smaller than my males , females also have rounder bellies were as males bellies appear to curve slightly in ward .

They like a cave like area to spawn , I think any secluded spot will most likely do .Many plants are welcome by my badis .

When they mate the female will leave the male to guard the eggs then the fry .

Mine eat mostly freeze dried blood worms and both freeze dried and live brine shrimp .

There are many species of badis and dario[ well a few any way ] , hope the link works , I found it interesting .
If not try searching GOOGLE , there are many sites that can be of help .

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