

Fish Aficionado
May 11, 2005
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I am soo bad...
I bought a new betta tonight :X :crazy:
My little...Holloween treat.
I put him in the 1G to strech out alittle bit, then I'm moving him into the 5G right before my bedtime.
I can't believe I bought another betta. :no:
He's just a normal VT, and he looked so alone and lifeless, with sad, pretruding eyes
I picked him up (I was with my friend, we were scaviging for cheap-after holloween candy), and grabbed him right as we got in line for the cashier (Well, actually, we were headed that way, we were on the opposite side of the store.... :whistle:
So, I still have the 1G empty, but now the 5G is occupied by a new male betta (or will be)...
I'm supposed to be doing HW, but I figured I'd share before I actually started HW.
Oh yeah, OA told me to tell you guys' he'll be 'round next week....
Well, geeze people, dont all respond at once!
He is blue and red, with clear fin tips. Pretty cool, I can't wait to see him with aboundent space in the 5G.
If I use used gravel, but the gravel had be cleaned and not used, should I still wash it?
Well, geeze people, dont all respond at once!
Yeah guys, geez, it has been 20 whole minutes!!! :lol:
Sounds like you might be HIS Halloween treat. Pics, PICS!

I nearly did the same thing today when I saw a very cute little all-white VT female at the store. She was healthy as a horse, and she did this little rolly-eye thing at me when I poked my face at her. I'm still iffy about going after her, I might snatch her up if she's still there when I get my next paycheck. :*)
Jeez, Ethos, I just got here, and already you're yelling at me! -_- :hyper: B)

I want to see pics. BUT do HW first! :D

Seriously, it sounds like a nice way to celebrate All Saint's Eve and All Saint's Day too. Divide the 5 usg and get another one. :fun: :)
I would divide the 5G, but its a bowfront...So it'd be difficult. I moved him into the 5G last night, and he's not half as active as my other bettas when they get to stretch out in the 5G.
I'll give him more time.....
This is the biggest tank I've ever kept a betta in, so it shoul be intresting.
I'm thinking asbout moving my corys into my bedroom (Where a half completed nano is being setup, 3 betta bowls, now 1 5G, and a 55G), into the 5G.
It heated, and the thermomater says 84, but its over a year old, and it was a cheap .99 cent thing...
I would divide the 5G, but its a bowfront...So it'd be difficult. I moved him into the 5G last night, and he's not half as active as my other bettas when they get to stretch out in the 5G.
I'll give him more time.....
This is the biggest tank I've ever kept a betta in, so it shoul be intresting.
I'm thinking asbout moving my corys into my bedroom (Where a half completed nano is being setup, 3 betta bowls, now 1 5G, and a 55G), into the 5G.
It heated, and the thermomater says 84, but its over a year old, and it was a cheap .99 cent thing...

Well Your room is going to be a zoo after your done :D. Does anyone know if an Eclipse System 3 has too much of a strong current for bettas. Everytime my betta swims underneath the output It always gets pushed down :sad:. But now he's learning that its not a spot for swimming so he usually stays out of that area.:shifty:
Well Your room is going to be a zoo after your done :D.
Well, thats excluding the tutle I want, the birds I wish I could keep, and my dog and cat who sleep in there all the time.
I Have a "livebeaers" 10G in our guest room, which, If I really wanted to, I could move into my room.

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