Bad Wkend


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok first my 2 wk old fry die off, and then last night Cobolt somehow managed to get into Gabriels side and have a fight! Still trying to work out how he did it as can't find any gaps in the divider at all and there is no way he could jump over as it goest right to the lid! Looks like come the wkend I'll be stripping the tank and taking a proper look at the divider as only gave it a quick check but didnt find anyway through!

Well Cobolt is now in a jar with a lid on in his side of the tank! Both have had some aquarium salt added to their water (not much though) Cobolt came off worse which serves him right for starting the fight!

Ok now that I've ranted on a bit what are the best things to do to help them grow their fins back?

I'm pleased to say that Gabriel built a nice little bubble nest during the night bless him!
Bettas can squeeze through very thin gaps as I found out myself! My betta managed to get through my fingers when I was dumping water from his cup out!

So think twice about any small gaps that you think a betta could not fit through - remember, they look fairly big with those flowing fins, but they can squeeze sideways! Think of them like a piece of paper. If there is any space between the divider and the lid, or any small (coin thickness!) gaps between the sides or the bottom, he could squeeze through if he is determined!
Hmmm could be a possibility am definately gonna have to strip the tank and check the divider for any small gaps! but I seriously couldnt feel any last night and he def didnt get under the bottom as gravel is piled up on either side and top is out of the question as I have the water level about an inch below so only other place is each side somehow but I'm almost positive again that there were no gaps but I'm obviously wrong as one got through!

Silly fish working out how to get through! Who ever said fish arent intelligent need to think again as they seem to be good problem solvers
Sorry to hear about your fry :(

The boys fins should grow back with lots of clean water and salt. It could take a few weeks but so long as infection doesn't set in they will be fine :D
Thanks for the reassurance!

How much salt should I be adding to the water? I only added a very small amount as didnt want to over do it!
Ok just a quick update on how these two are doing! Gabriel is doing really well and his fins are starting to heal nicely and he looks really healthy! On the other hand Cobolt is looking really scraggy and his fins don't seem to be healing at all (both have had same treatment) The fins aren't falling off or anything and he's being his normal self he just looks really scraggy now and he also looks very thin compared to Gabriel not sure if it's because he's got a bigger tank though and he swims about loads! I'm thinking of putting him in a smaller container for a few days so that he can rest but not sure if this is a good idea or not! Any advice would be appreciated!
Awww if he's a mad swimmer then he'll need more food just to keep the weight on. My boy upstairs swims around like crazy against his filter flow! Trouble is the effort has ragged his beautiful tail. :X If I turn the filter off so his tail grows back he sulks. There's no pleasing them eh!
Another thing you could try is to stop the salt and try melafix. I've found it good for healing the fins and wounds in general. Might be he's just not responding to salt. Worth a try maybe.
Hmmm yeah I could move the bn plec and emerald eyes out for a couple of weeks and turn off the filter see if that helps him! Unfortunately I dont have any melafix havent even seen it in stores here in the UK (I could be blind though) He also has a thing for swimming madly in the filter flow which is obviously not helping him (I'm so dumb sometimes stupid brain)

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