Bad Tempered Neon Blue Gouramis


New Member
Dec 29, 2007
Reaction score
Leicestershire, UK

I have moved two neon blue dwarf gouramis from my daughters smaller tank into my 200L as they were continually pecking and chasing at each other.

They have been in there for a few days now but they are still hiding at opposite ends of the tank in the plants and snapping if they come across each other. There have been no problems with the other fish.

Should I leave them to it? or should I pop in a couple of females? I am happy to do this if it will calm them down but don't want them for no reason.

I currently have 5 small gold danios, 4 cories, 2 gobies and 3 thick lipped gold gouramis along with these 2 so I believe I have plenty of tank space.

Thanks as ever

It sounds like you have 2 male dwarves and they will continue to fight if kept in the same tank. I would separate them by keeping 1 in the 200litre and 1 in your daughters tank. There is no guarantee that if you add females they will pair up and then you will have even more fighting on your hands. Hope That Helps.
I've not kept dwarf gouramis, but heard that males can be very aggressive towards each other. I think its recommended to keep 2 females to 1 male (you might want to check this in the gourami forum, last time I went in there there were lots of threads about the same problems).
Also I think they prefer a well planted tank with hidey places

edit: Larissa posted the same time as me. listen to her, she probably knows much more than me

good luck
It sounds like you have 2 male dwarves and they will continue to fight if kept in the same tank. I would separate them by keeping 1 in the 200litre and 1 in your daughters tank. There is no guarantee that if you add females they will pair up and then you will have even more fighting on your hands. Hope That Helps.

Yes they are 2 males I should have said that.

Sounds like good advice I will do that



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