Bad fish Store


Fish Fanatic
May 18, 2004
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i brought two fish a red cap and blue orrander from a local shop 2 weeks a go and within two days the first one died looked like it fell apart a pece at a time. non of the other fish bit him or any thing of the sort :-( i tuck the little fella back and thay told me it was my walter even thro iv had 2 old fish in the tank and there fine. but thay gave me a new one any way so that show how good thay are cus if its the walter it will kill it again any way. so i did a water change and cheekd the nitrit once a day in thiss time the nitrit reading was 0.3 or under all the fish looked fine but then yesterday the red cap spent most of the tim at the top and then just seemd to give up and stoped moveing. it must have tuck him 3-4 hours to die after that. there was no abnormal sighn on him. then to day i tuck a frend in the shop to show him how bad it was and lo and behold one of the red caps in the tanks there was acting the same. there must have been at least 5 dead fish in there tanks and none looked in good helth. is there any thing i can do to report them to the rspca or somthing.???? oh im in england if that helps

regards alastair
I find it amazing how many fish store i have been to and the employees do not have a clue about fish... i cant really trust my pets store now, that is one reason why i joined this forum

I don't know what if anything the rSPCA will do about that kind of thing but I don't think there's owt to lose by trying.
well at least your pet store dose not store its bettas whith goldfish that are tring to eat it and when informd thay did nothing this hapend to me at one of 4 fish stors that ive tryed to get help from

infact if it wasent for this forum i would no even have a fish tank so thanks guys and gals
I get really annoyed sometimes about the state of fish in shop tanks ......I ask to speak to the manager(while my husband is cringing.....cos hes used to me) and insist that he sorts his tanks out. I do go back to check and if they are still in a bad way I threaten to call the area manager or head office.......if they still don't improve I DO JUST THAT. However.......most shops in my local area are pretty good with their fish so this doesn't happen too often...........which is good.
my favourite lfs has a big poster saying something like "please talk to a member of staff immediately if you have concerns about any of our fish". strangely enough ive never had to.
clutterydrawer said:
my favourite lfs has a big poster saying something like "please talk to a member of staff immediately if you have concerns about any of our fish". strangely enough ive never had to.
Wow, that's *really* cool. :thumbs:

vectrum - have you asked to speak to the owner? Maybe point out that their fish are dying right there in their tanks and that yours exhibited the same behavior?
i belive the whoman i spoak to was the owner and she was not consernd at all..

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