Bad Bad Bad Bad Bad...


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2005
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sadness, stress, worry....

skye is dead, the one i posted about before that had popeye + columnaris (spelling?? i have to go to work in 5 minutes i dont have time to figure it out :X )... yeah... but heres the WEIRD and BAD BAD BAD part...

i found her IN my community tank.

i had her seperated, completely different tank.

i dont know how she got back in there. and she was half dead floating around just this morning, too. I dont understand it... howd she jump!? howd she jump that far?! i could hardly believe it even if she were completely healthy...

anyway, i removed her from the 55 RIGHT when i saw it.

now the worrisome part. She was diseased, and then in my 55 gallon (Which would be hard to treat, very expensive :X ) and one of my kuhli loaches was feasting on her.... or so it looked like....I dont know what to do now, should i wait and hope nothing happens? could hte kuhli loach get it?? should i just start treating that entire tank ASAP??


1 fish dead, and possibly more to follow.

what a terrible day.
Just a few daily water changes on the main tank, and maybe you could add abit of melafix, hard to believe how she got into the tank, bless her.
about a foot, and they have covers (they were left open.. dont know why i did that, i never do that. Fate. haha...) , the 10 gal she was in was on a shelf about a foot above and a foot over from the 55 sorority tank that she jumped into. its so weird. i guess she wanted to be there when seh died.
Ech, sounds like a bad situation.

But that's an incredible jump for a healthy betta, let alone a sick one.

You're sure no one decided she 'looked lonely' in there, and moved her from one to the other?
Absolutely do lots of water and filter media changes, as well as frequent and thorugh substrate vacums. Try to do all this without stressing your fish. Feed them good and change and vacum frequently!

It's nasty stuff. I am reading now that the best deterent is frequent water changes and substrate vacumings. I always get behind in my water changes when I am medicating or treating a tank. It will after all reduce the bacteria every water change. Keep the temp down; keep the fish healthy so their immune systems are strong enough to resist any minor attacks. Any sign of a suggested symptom isolate for observation.

I had some fish never show any problem and come through fine; some recovered; some recovered and relapsed; some just disappeared one day.

I have been battling this for 5 or 6 months. Lost alot of fish, lots are doing well; some seem almost immune.

I am now considering shutting down my 100 usg community to thoroughly nuke it.
nobody really goes in my room where the tank is located... but with how im looking at it, its probably possible because of how its raised up, if it were about a foot away and on the same surface id be far more surprised... ive seen bettas do better heh... plus i think its probably less than a foot, im bad with estimations :D

well im feeling better today, im going to be doing lots of water changes, only problem is now my fish that i just ordered are going to have to stay in my juvie male containers until i figure out if all is good or not. They arrive today. Oh well, better safe than sorry. the next few weeks are gunna be full of fish work. heh.

Yeah, I still havent gotten the guts to look at Skye again to see how she was when she died.... shes in a seperate container in some water, but i think im not gunna look at her... i wanted to see if the khuli's actually managed to EAT some of her - that would be bad. im hoping they were just trying ot pick at her but hadnt suceeded yet... ill make my boyfriend do it, i dont want to. i loved skye so much.

oh well. at least shes not suffering anymore

thanks for your help.

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