Bad Animal Day


Fish Crazy
Jan 20, 2008
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We take our dogs for a walk every day. Well yesterday when we took our dogs for a walk Rocky escaped. Of course the dogs are faster. I tried to catch her three time, I was so close. I kept running after her but I just could not catch her.

I fell three times, Im all scratched up and me and Rocky almost got hit by a car. The guy stopped and waited the whole time.

I did catch her on the fourth try. I have never ever been so scared in my life. After I could not breath and was in total panic.

I just don’t know how she slipped off the harness. We are bringing the puppies today to Pet Smart for a new leash.

All I could do yesterday after was just to hold her. My animals are my life and mean the world to me. I just don’t know what I would do without my baby. I was all bloody and bashed up after.

Then yesterday I noticed my parrots (Pickles) leg was all swollen and all of his feathers were missing on his leg. Well his band was to tight. The breeder put the band on not me. I have noticed him picking at his band a lot but those suckers are not made to come off.

But it had to. There was no choice. So I got my dad to come over and try to get it off. It was so had to do. Pickles is a huge biter, even with gloves on I got bit a lot and was all bloody.

Well that sucker is so hard to get off and it took a good 20 minutes but finally we got it off. Im just so happy we got it off. His leg looks terrible but if it continues to be swollen Im taking him to the vets.

So I look like I have been in a war zone. So yesterday was not a good day. But everything worked out. He leg just looked really bad and he was always picking at it.
Shame, sounds like you had a rough day yesterday. Well, at least it all worked out in the end.

Hope Pickles leg heals soon.

Oh you poor thing. You have my complete sympathy.

When we had only had our Hanna from the shelter for less than a week she managed to slip out the gate while we were coming in. She ran down the short access road we are on and across 4 lanes of highway, diagonally, and stopped a petrol tanker. Luckily the tanker was empty or the driver would not have been able to stop. The driver of the car in the other on that side of the road couldn't have seen her but he must have figured that if the tanker was stopping he had better stop too.

When the tanker stopped she stopped and then ran back across all four lanes, circled round us to stay out of reach and ran in the gate.

I am sure it took 10 years off my life.

Hope your bird recovers soon

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