Bad Advice From Petsmart (what Would Work?)


Fish Addict
Aug 25, 2007
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The other day i was at petsmart (which unfortunately is the only store in the area that carries fish besides wal-mart) and was looking to see what fish they had that would make good tank mates for 5.5 in bgk. I was going to do 5 Silver dollars, and the lady that bagged them said she couldn't guarantee the fish. By now i had figured out to take all the advice i got with a grain of salt. I had these people tell me to put 2 Jack dempseys in a 30 gal community tank, 4 tinfoils in a 20 gal, and the bgk in a 20. She said that the silver dollars were too agressive and the only thing I could do would be some neon tetras!? :blink: I asked, wouldn't they get eaten eventually? She said no. I felt like laughing. I knew that the silver dollars would work and the tetras wouldn't, but my dad doubted it. Kind of funny what kind of advice you get at the big chain stores.

But anyways, what would work besides silver dollars? Currently he is with a 4 in senegal bichir in an 85 gal. Any other oddballs or peaceful cichlids?
Personally, I wouldn't put any plant-eating fish in with the BGK, as they (or so I have read) enjoy being able to disappear into the shadows of plants to hide.
Bichirs would work, and so would spiny eels, any of the larger tetras probably would (Discus Tetras, Bleeding Heart Tetras, ect.), as well as most high-backed fish.
Got any pictures?
Ok, I will stay away from the silver dollars. I would of replaced the plants that he ate with fake ones, but that would have been a lot of plants. I have a bichir, I don't think lfs has any larger tetras (at least none that i saw). My substrate is gravel, so i was gonna stay away from spiny eels. Maybe I will look online for some fish. I will try to get pics.


Ps my uncle has a 150 that he said i could have. Just don't know where to put it. When i do, the bgk and possibly others will go in there. So chances are that this tank is temporary.
Ive not seen it done, but i expect rainbowfish would be good tankmates, as they are peacefull, not boisterous and big enough not to be eaten.

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