Bacterial Infections On Fry?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2005
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First off i'd like to say that I am new here, I'll have an introductory post in the newbie area once I ask this question, and I'd love to meet fellow Betta enthusiasts!

Well, the reason I came here is because I'm a bit afraid for my poor new fry. It hasnt been a week yet, but I'm noticing some strange marks on about half the fry. They have dark spots. Not quite spots, but almost stripes on them. I have not seen this yet, I've only seen fry being a pure white, and my first thought was possibly a bacterial infection - but I have no idea what that would look like on fry.

I have some pictures if needed, the best one being at the address below (see bottom of this post)

They do not seem to be acting strangely, and some of the ones with black along with some of the whites seem to be maturing very nicely, so it hasnt quite affected them if it is something bad.

Hoping you'll have good news for me, I had some high hopes for this batch - it was looking like one of my best yet, until i saw the black. :(

picture :

Can you post water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, just wondering if the patches could be ammonia burns that are now healing.
I'd have to recheck to make sure, but last I checked a few days ago it was fine, So I don't think it would be that, or could it? I'll be sure to check tonight just in case, thanks.

If that is whats up, will they be okay?
Ammonia burns can take a while to show up, it might not be that, but always best to start of with water quality first.
I just tested everything except ammonia (I'll go tonight to pick up a test for that, It seems I'm all out. Figures) But nitrites are fine, as are nitrates, hardness etc, however The PH is below neutral, coming up as maybe 6.8? A bit difficult to tell, i should perhaps consider getting an easier to gauge test. I should update this in a few hours with ammonia results, too.

I'm just hoping whatever it is, that maybe it's curable/fixable/whatever.
Hold the phone.=P

It's okay. The black stripes only indicate that the fish is going to be a dark color. Lighter fish such as yellows,reds, opaque, etc will all be white fry. Your darker colors such as blues and blacks,greens, whatever will hatch out with a black strip almost like a V behind their eyes.
Yes! ::rejoice::

I love you!

Thats great! I havent had dark babies yet. My last few have been with a white female, that would probably explain it. This one is with a darker female.

Now I'm REALLY excited! First batch of dark fry. :) Thanks so much for your help anyway, Wilder, and wuvmybetta thanks for informing me ;) now i feel silly.
I'm glad you're at ease now :fun: I was hoping you wouldn't wander off before seeing my reply because I'm most certain that is what you're seeing in the babes.

Welcome to the board!!
I actually am too, i thought it might be that but I was also worried 'cuz recently I had an outbreak of bacterial infections in my main tank... so i guess i've been a little paranoid :p

But once you said the thing about it looking kinda like a V, I was certain, because thats one of the things i noticed while examining them.
Looks like the mystery has been solved, but I just gotta say, that's a great pic! So much detail of such little things! Welcome to the board :hi:
Sure! I dont currently have any pics of the dad, but he's got the same base color of the mom, just solid. I'll have to work on getting a picture of him, haha. and the mom's picture is below


the dad has that sort of... silvery blue color. I'm not quite sure what that color would be called, I was thinking its a steel blue, but then... I'm not sure haha.
and heres a terrible shot of daddio...


it makes him look green lol. He's about the same color as the females body, but his fins sometimes look a bright blue.

the funny thing, about that red wash on the pelvic fins, is i cant see it unless you shine light a certain way :huh: odd.

This guy doesnt have much for fins (im not a fan of the inconsistent spikey's you find on veiltails) but the reason i got him is because of the white tipped pelvic fins. I love how they look.

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