Fish Crazy
One of my gouramis in my 46 gallon tank got a bump next to it's lip. I brought it to my LFS and they gave me some caps to put in the water. I took out my carbon and put in the caps and 5 days later, it is still there. Now, it looks like a little white bubble and red around it. Probably a bac. infection. I did treat it, so should I just wait it out a little while. The lady at the LFS said it probably just ran into something and cut itself and gave me Kanacyn (something like that) for secondary infection prevention purposes. I did that, but is still there. The fish acts perfectly fine as do all of them (6). I am in the ending of my cycle I believe. Ammonia is going down and Nitrites have been pretty high for a week or so, so that should be going down soon too I think. I usually change 10% of my water once a week. I do have rock, so it is possible for it to have cut it's mouth. Should it bubble up and have a white body to the bump. There is only one white spot and no other fish have it and it has been there for a week now. Just seeing if anyone had any thoughts or what I should do. Thanks.