Bacterial Infection? Stubborn Tail Healing


Fish Gatherer
Nov 7, 2003
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just became an american *play dramatic music*
We rescued this male 3 months ago in a digusting environment with bad fins. All our other rescues are fully healed or are healing nicely but this one guy hasn't changed from day one, maybe even gotten worse despite every 5days he gets 70% water changes and Melafix treatments. He's in a 1 gallon with live plants and his appetite couldn't be better. He gets frozen bloodworms, brine shrimp, hikari pellets and freeze dried bloodworms. I've solved fin rot before but this is much more stubborn. Any remedy suggestions? Poor guy just doesn't heal. :/

Here's two of his comrads that have healed up since then.
BEFORE loss of colour though he looked much worse, practically starved.

AFTER, didn't want to flare :S

BEFORE(nicknamed Stumpy for obvious reasons)

AFTER, He's grown quite abit back,still isn't 100% but atleast its taking its veiltail form instead just a straight cut off.

Just thought I'd throw in a picture of our new girlie
buy some indian almond leaves from e-bay.ive used them on fish after fights where their fin damage is ten times worse then yours and they heal completely.sometimes i add alittle bettafix but the leaves are awsome.just pop enough in to give the water a tea color.leave it for 4-5 days the do your 30-40% water changes til it gradually comes clear again.
atleast hes eating.i have a red splendid whos on his way out.wont swim,wont eat has fin rot etc...almond leaves wont help him because he has a sickness of somekind.
but you will see the difference not only in fin repair but energy plakat's always bounce back strong with some good old indian!
No indian leafs sold around here and my hubby isn't too keen on internet shopping. I'll just keep his water uber clean and hope over time it progresses.

Thanks for the compliment The betta house. I have 10 bettas in total so there's more where that came from.

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