Bacteria Problems


New Member
Dec 23, 2005
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Hi I have a few problems with my that i have has a hole/indent in its side and two others have what looks like nipped tails and they have whiteness on their tails. I think i can use some anti bacterial treatment to treat it, but id like to know whats caused it and any other suggestions to cure...
hay as im new to this too im unsure but if i was you i would seperate the ill ones from the others as this could cause them to get worse...also if unsure i would take them to be seen at ur local fish place as they could tell you? sorry if no help :(
Hi I have a few problems with my that i have has a hole/indent in its side and two others have what looks like nipped tails and they have whiteness on their tails. I think i can use some anti bacterial treatment to treat it, but id like to know whats caused it and any other suggestions to cure...

is it only pure guppies you have in the tank?
Hi I have a few problems with my that i have has a hole/indent in its side and two others have what looks like nipped tails and they have whiteness on their tails. I think i can use some anti bacterial treatment to treat it, but id like to know whats caused it and any other suggestions to cure...

is it only pure guppies you have in the tank?

Not sure what u mean by pure...i have other fish also in there and the guppies are fancy tail ones...
Need to look at your water stats in ammonia,nitrite,nitrate,and ph, what size tank, how many gallons, full stock list of fish of how many and which type.
It's bacterial need a location for meds.

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