bacteria living in sand

Salt Freak

Feb 29, 2004
Reaction score
houston, texas
Would bacteria be able to live in a very fine marine sand. My ammonia is high and I dont know if bacteria would be able to live in it. I also have it mixed with crushed coral in it. I have one fish in there that has acclumated to the high ammonia. PLEASE HELP!
some specs would be helpfull. Firstly, I can tell you that the best move would be to pull the poor fish out of there. There is no need to have a fish in and with there being ammonia in there, it's just going to suffer. as to your question about bacteria in the sand, if you have whats known as a DSB (deep sand bed) then there may be bacteria and pods helping filtration but I think, from what you've sain, you just have a normal sand, in which case there may be bacteria but there not going to be doing very much.

If you give us some specs, we maybe able to help more.

ste :)
HOw deep is the sand? If its deeper than 2 inches then you could be esculating the problem.
Keep the sand below 2 inches, especially if its very fine as the lack of water movment can make it toxic without critters to churn it over and keep it clean.

Add Live rock as soon as possible, this will help with your ammonia problem.

Pull your present fish out, no fish acclimatises to ammonia they just suffer until they die or the ammonia goes away :*)

Hope this helps.
My ammonia went down turns out it was just a normal cycle. and that fish was showing abslutely no signs of stress. Thanks

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