Background paper on tank with Bettas


Fish Fanatic
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
I taped a piece of matte black construction paper to the back of my two bettas tanks, it looks nice, but the two guys immediately went to the back and flared, and stayed that way, facing the back, flaring. After 10 minutes I took the backing away. Is this normal, is it causing a reflection that they are challenging? Should I use a different background paper-do 'store bought backgrounds' not reflect?
Or will they simply get used to it. I want them still to flare when I put up their mirrors or when they see each other, so I don't want them to get worn out flaring at the backing.
They will get use to it. I have a kind of mirrored background on almost all of my betta tanks, at first they flared at it like there was no tomorrow. Now they just flare at it every once in a while. They flare more at each other then at their reflection.

One of my bettas flared at his background for almost the first month I got him. I was hoping he would get used to it, but it started to get violent and he hurt himself so I removed the background and haven't had problems since. My other betta didn't flare at the background at first, then he started up so the background had to go as well.
Same here, I tried backgrounds and the bettas hated them. It's like they thought another betta was sneaking around in there somewhere :rolleyes:
All right thanks. I will just keep an eye on them. Nemo seems to be ignoring it already, (but he is a laid back guy) but Marlin is still checking it out. I will watch them both!

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