background, always looks crap


Fish Fanatic
Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
somewhere on earth

I was wondering is there anyway of making ur background stay looking bright and colorful, instead of going dull and fading away, theres like gotta b some secret mine looks awesome when i put water behind it but soon as the water dries in goes back dull........ arrggg very annoying, everything else looks beutiful
well get some PVA glue or silicone that's been thined out and stick it on works like water but i haven't tried this it's just an idea so don't do it 2 ur tank just use some glass. hope it works out. i think there's a product in the UK that u can get instead of a background u paint it onto ur tank
I wouldn't put it in the tank. Try taping it tightly to the outside of the tank!! I once lost a fish who actually managed to get behind the background. he was there for weeks and i didn't realise!! Taping it to the outside of the tank facing in seems to work well for me and it means the background doesn't get soggy or smell. Hope this helps ;)
I never knew that some people put them inside their tanks. :dunno:

I use small pieces of electrical tape.
so would the best way be to try to seal in the water by putting tape all around it, i dont woanna permettly stick it there incase i change my mind
I don't see why you would want it bright like when the water goes down there all the time, looks un-natural imo. Putting water all over it and taping it on will not work because it will evaporate within a couple of days. You could try some water based adhesive, paste it all over the back and stick it on, it would be best to try it on a separate piece of glass first, as this too might deteriorate with time.

I prefer my backgrounds to actually be a background and not part of the tank, only there to stop me from seeing the wall and wires behind.
I used a thin layer of Vaseline on the side of my background that I wanted showing in my tank. Then I squeegied the whole thing onto the outside of my tank. I don't know why, but using the Vaseline actually makes the background (in my case coral) stay bright and brilliant, and also makes it seem like it's coming right into the tank.
I have seen in my lfs a background that sticks to the inside of the tank,
so it shows up brilliantly under lighting.
I can check out the price etc next time i go there if anyones interested. :dunno:

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