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Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
My week is getting worse and worse! I am trying to stick with it all!!

I emailed the guy bringing me LR this weekend last night explaining I had problems with my Ro and may not be ready, the message last night he said no worries and would email friday to check all was still ok but no rush.

So I emailed today saying I had to wait for a new RO unit and would't be ready (or confident my tank was ready) in time to have the LR on sunday this week and dont want to kill it all off.

The reply now is: why dont you buy enough RO from LFS to completely fill your system up

Unfortunately if you cant do this weekend coming then i will have to sell LR to someone else as i have people interested and i cant keep messing other people about as they are all waiting on the sale of the LR.
Im very sorry, please let me know by friday if you are able to afford at least the 30Kg's to get you started.

My reply is that I am not prepared to rush into it because I have to fill like 500l odd bearing in mind I have work until friday aswell so unit will probably be only on for half a day. Buying from lfs is same price as a new ro unit so if he wants to sell to sell to someone else he is welcome to as I just wont be ready!

So now I am back on the hunt for LR, turned someone else down who could post some for cheaper because he would deliver and was part of a forum!

What next!!! :sad:
So you don't have any water in your tank as of yet and are waiting on a new RO unit to fill it up?
As long as you have saltwater in your tank the living stuff on the rock won't die.

Is this just some guy that is taking his tank down and selling his live rock to you?
If so he seems like a jerk and should just wait a few days since you already had arraignments to buy it from him.

I like your attitude of "I'm not ready so whatever sell it to someone else".
You obviously know you can't rush things in this hobby, good for you.

Like chris said, there is plenty of rock in the sea, but I understand its crazy expensive to buy it from a LFS!

Keep your chin up :good: plenty more rock in the sea :D

Haha very funny :D I might just go get some then!!!

Yeah basically waiting to fill the tank with RO. Unit coming today :D
The problem is I have work until Friday so most likely won't be able to fill the tank completely until Saturday at some point, possibly evening (I have something ike 550l to fill although that includes sump). I want to heat the water before mixing the salt so I get the right salinity levels. My 300l freshwater tank took over a day to heat with 2 200w heaters in. So it might not even be at temp on Sunday and he wants to bring it down sunday. I don't want it coming and there is no salt in the tank or its not mixed to the proper levels as then I have to worry about getting it right in a rush! Much rather have it mixing for a couple days to make sure its right. Its my first saltwater tank so being cautious (overly probably)

It is a guy about 30mins away that actually came to me on a forum and offered his LR from the break down. I had 25kg to be posted from someone else but decided it was better from him as less die off. I am a bit annoyed as it felt he was trying to pressure me to say no no I want it! Surely he knows about how is best to do things!!!

I am probably over reacting but with the stuff thats has gone wrong for me the last week it just makes it even worse! A couple times I have wanted just to sell everything I have got so far but my BF won't let me because he knows how much I enjoy it all! Im just fed up being messed around.

Considering I need 40-50kg of LR buying from lfs is gunna kill me, I would be here for months buy a KG at a time :lol:

Sorry for essay, gotta let it all out :D haha
that is a shame.

you would not want to buy it from a LFS trust me.

luckily i might get 7kg from ebay.
Chin up Wee, maybe the rock you actually get will be amazing and you will be glad you waited :good:

Seffie x
I had to wait two weeks for my LR but its really good and I have no cycle :)
Thanks everyone!

I had an email back from the guy:

im not having a go at you but if you read it back i said that I WAS messing other people about because they are bugging me for their equipment and they cant have it untill the LR is gone thats all.
saying you have no where to put the rock? what about my suggestion of filling your tank up approx three quarters full stick your heater in and a couple of p/heads sand etc and then your starting your other jobs.? Thats how i started and with great success! The thing is there is no definitive way on starting and maintaining your tank, EVERYONE does it completely different, and you will discover things that people suggest..perhaps me included? that DO NOT work for you.
also i would and have never said that you should rush...infact quite the opposite! I more than most know that things take time in the marine world, and i would of waited before getting an RO unit tbh as they are a money pit at the best of times!

anyway if you DEF are gonna have the LR then i WILL keep it untill the LAST wkend of may which i believe is the 28/29. after that i will have to offer it to the other people, i dont think i can be fairer than this?

any probs or questions then give me a shout.


What a turn around that was! Ha I think he wanted to try and pressure me to say I want it now and when I didnt he worried he wouldn't get rid of the LR ha!
Also I explained the previous email about how buying RO water for my system would cost the same as a RO unit, he seems really against the fact I got one!!!

Not sure I want the LR from him now but it is the best option I have so think I will go for it! Make him wait until the 28th :hey:

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