Hi...after seeing some various posts here, I thought it might be good to post a few nano reef basic tenets. Now...anyone can push the envelope or deviate from recommendations and 'get away with it'. However, to avoid the following threads:
- "Help, my corals are dying"
- "My nitrates are 40 and my fish are dying"
- Patience is the key. There is no such thing as an instant reef after cycling
- Try and add your LR all at once. If you add later, BE SURE IT IS COMPLETELY CYCLED. Otherwise, wait until you can buy ALL your LR
- Beauty comes slowly. Disaster comes quickly.. GO SLOW. TAKE YOUR TIME.
- READ, read, read. Plan. Research anything and everything before you add it to your tank
- There is no BETTER substitute for RO/DI water. Choose wisely padawan.
- Fish first, corals second. Fish mean fish food, poop and NITRATES. Get a handle on this BEFORE ADDING YOUR CORALS! Corals do NOT like nitrates.
- After your tank cycles, 25% water change followed by weekly 10% water changes. DO NOT ADD LIVESTOCK until you bring your nitrates down to about 10 or under. Some hardier cleanup crew MAY be added if the tank starts to get dirty. Use your judgment.
- Additions should be put in ONE AT A TIME, ESPECIALLY FISH (some corals excepted). Non-aggressive fish first followed by aggressive last
- Changes in specific gravity should be made slowly. Acclimate carefully. Fish weren't made to go from 1.018 (fish store) to 1.026 in 30'
- Check your compatibilities, between fish AND KNOW YOUR CORALS' DEFENSE MECHANISMS
- Sorry, but, anemones don't belong in a nano tank
- Resist the urge to overstock; try to be a conscientious aquarist: sorry, clownfish should NOT be in 7G nano tanks
- Refractometers are recommended
- If 99% of aquarists CANNOT keep a starfish, mandarin or flame scallop in a nano, resist the urge of feeling that 'this is your time'