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Fish Fanatic
May 2, 2007
Reaction score
Wolverhampton, England
Hi all back again to pick brains,

I have had my tank running now for four and a half months and i'm enjoying the switch for tropical to marine. I have a 190ltr tank which has a v2oo skimmer and two powerheads. I'm still running an external fluval 205 containing live rock and rowaphos, there is about 28kg of live rock in the tank too.
The occupants of the tank, 2 cleaner shrimp, 12 crabs, 4 turbo snails and a roman snail. 2 clowns, 1 purple firefish, 2 cardinals, 2 yellow head jawfish and a regal tang.

i have had a couple of deaths but these were when we had a rewire in the house and i belive it was shock. since the start its gone quite smoothly, but i feel i'm letting the fish down with there food, using frozen mixes from lfs but is this enough or should i be doing something with fresh ingredients?

Can't get a sump in the cabinet either but is the 205 enough or should i get a second external running?

cheers daz

Oh just recently had a huge red slimey algea substance bloom which covered everything, the jawfish rescued me by eating the lot.


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New era flakes are the best imo - and the fish love em :good:

You do know your tank is not big enough for a tang don't you :look:

SEffie x

ps like the aquascape and what a bonus about the cyano, I didn't know jawfish would eat it. What do you think caused the outbreak, Phophates, flow?
Cheers seffie,

Yeah know about the tang, he's an inch at the moment but i've been promised a larger tank tank way before he'll need it. yeah.

the outbreak i belive was caused by a mix of overfeeding and low maintenance on the skimmer, i was away for two weeks and the babysitter was unsure so neither called me or done anything. madness

i'll try some flakes. cheers

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