Back Again For One More Question.


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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hello, now im soon upgrading to a bigger marine tank, now i just changed my filter to a eheim as my last one was crap. but im deciding on either the rio 180 or this 44 gal/200 liters. now i know i wnt to go bigger so props wnt to do the 44gal, but wld if fall thgh my bedroom floor? it be on a main wall corner so i wld of thght yes. wot u guys think?

And im gunna also get new protein skimmer and i was looking at the latest tmc ones they any good i wnt one like that cos its small and also it will hang on side and not internal. any other good ones for a poor student like me but having a bday soon :D hence new tank..

oh oh and last but not least, when i change over which i will no doubt no matter wot tank i decide to buy, im gunna use sand not crush coral as it looks better and is healthier for the tank but the question is wld it be ok if u just took the water from my old tank and put it into the new one be enough for the tank to survive taking on the fish, ofcourse ill use my external as one tank dont come with filter but i will also get loads more live rock dw about that ;)

hello, now im soon upgrading to a bigger marine tank, now i just changed my filter to a eheim as my last one was crap. but im deciding on either the rio 180 or this 44 gal/200 liters. now i know i wnt to go bigger so props wnt to do the 44gal, but wld if fall thgh my bedroom floor? it be on a main wall corner so i wld of thght yes. wot u guys think?

And im gunna also get new protein skimmer and i was looking at the latest tmc ones they any good i wnt one like that cos its small and also it will hang on side and not internal. any other good ones for a poor student like me but having a bday soon :D hence new tank..

oh oh and last but not least, when i change over which i will no doubt no matter wot tank i decide to buy, im gunna use sand not crush coral as it looks better and is healthier for the tank but the question is wld it be ok if u just took the water from my old tank and put it into the new one be enough for the tank to survive taking on the fish, ofcourse ill use my external as one tank dont come with filter but i will also get loads more live rock dw about that ;)


Ummm, not to be condescending here, but was that written in english or internet? Kinda tough to follow :S. That being said, I'll try to answer some issues I think you raised...

If your tank is set up on an outside wall corner then I wouldnt worry too much about your floor being able to support the weight. Unless the house is old and falling apart you should be fine with a 44gal. I dont unfortunately know anything about TMC skimmers, cant help out there.

As for changing over. Use as much old tank water in the new tank as possible to minimize stress on the fish. Remember when switching to sand, a lot of stuff is kicked up into the water and its really cloudy when the sand is first put in the tank. Just remember to wait to add livestock until the cloudiness has settled somewhat.
lol sorry about that was typing quickly, another question was.. would u bag up your fish or put them in a large bucket with heater and air pump?
Also do you think if i put 2 dwarf angels togeterh at same time they would get on, now i know its a push and may fail but any thoughts?
Agreed, in a 44, no way. In a 100, perhaps, but not a 44. I would store livestock in a large bucket or platic bin, or something like that.

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