Back After 2 Years!


Fish Crazy
Nov 27, 2003
Reaction score
Dont know, dont care
well. now i'm a smelly 14 year old and i'm not as intrested as fish.
I dont know if i want to stay on this forum or not. i'll talk to the mods later and decide wether i want to stay or go.
Welcome back. SOrry your not interested in fish anymore.. well as interested.. I will never give up on my fish.. I jsut can't get over them.. There were times i didn't give a care in the world if i had animals or not but Now i know i cannot do without them! and I'm 17 LOL.. Gotta have my fish!

Hope you reconsider.. You'll not regret it!
Welcome back. SOrry your not interested in fish anymore.. well as interested.. I will never give up on my fish.. I jsut can't get over them.. There were times i didn't give a care in the world if i had animals or not but Now i know i cannot do without them! and I'm 17 LOL.. Gotta have my fish!

Hope you reconsider.. You'll not regret it!
Never say never ;)

Welcome back!!
Welcome back. Not really a decision on whether to stay or go. They can't delete you so if you don't want to stay, you simply quit coming on again. I was inactive for a little over a year. Had a lot of stuff going on and didn't have time or an interest in the forum but came back a few months ago. I'm glad to be back.
well im the same age as you mate and i have to say, I LOVE FISH :hyper:
i dont think that i will ever completely loose interest in fish, however i do go through periods of loosing interest in them, but i still like them but just not as much.
however this all changes when i come on fish fanatic forums like this, and then i love them more than ever again. :lol:

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