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The February FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Fish Crazy
Nov 14, 2003
Reaction score
Amherstburg Ontario Canada
Sorry about previous post... darn server didnt' want to hear me ramble on so they cut out my long spew before posting it :/

Came home after a 10 day vacation. My baby guppies are getting much bigger (used a 2 day food pellet without Plaster of paris)... starting to see their tail colours now but not well enough to make them out.

Lost all 5 of of my neons :(

I expected my black molly to be dead by the time I got back. She's the one who was doing the disappearing act for about a week before I left. She must have been under the weather then and feeling much better now.
She is disabled though now. She kind of swims with her whole body rather than fluidly like she should. Sorta like a fish with a limp? :fun:
Her dorsal fin doesn't stick up like it used to either, and her tail was kind of flattened but is now reajusting itself. She seems in high spirits now and is never hiding, always looking for food and is eating very well. Whats good too is that the other fish don't pick on her .... Woohoo! Politically correct fishes!

My dwarf powder blue Gourami is still very happy (now that poor meek and mild dwarf blue has gone to fish heaven)

And oh those frisky little guppies! I just KNOW she's pregos again! I'm just going to let her have her brood in the big tank... survival of the fittest (or should I say fastest?)

And my bottom feeder (don't know what kind of fish he is)... brown with dark spots like a leopard.... has grown double it's size in 10 days! :eek: He must have been eating at the neon corpses to have grown that big so fast. He's mild mannered though... doesn't chase after the other tank mates, so I think I'll keep him :)

Well that's about it for now... I just decided that I won't be getting any neons until I'm a little more experienced in tank keeping, but I sure wish I could get more dwarf Gouramis which is unlikely considering that "Mini Blue" like his uniqueness and won't tolerate others like himself :/
Hope you had a good vacation and good to hear that the fishies fared well - apart from the neons :( . It's suprising how well fish do without our "supervision". Your black and brown "bottom eater" sounds like a pleco. Does he have a sucker mouth? If he is, then he will get BIG - like 15" or so. Might take him a couple of years to get there, but he will get there, so depending on what size tank you have now, you had better start saving for a larger one :p Neons, although a lot of people recommend them for beginners are not really a beginners fish. They need a well established tank with lots of plants and slightly acidic water. Hope all continues well and keep us informed.

I went away for 2 weeks.

Had my parents check on the fish after the first week, heater/temp, filter + a bit of food.

got an SMS (any idea how much a call to/from my mobile in Croatia cost???!!!!) to say fish were OK, temp was 17!

Turns out, in the excitement to get away, I had forgotten to plug the heater AND filter back in after a water change!!! No heat or filtration for a whole week!

Got back, did a few tests on water quality - all OK. Fish fine!

How lucky was I?!

A pleco???!!!!
Oh no! My tank's only 29 gallons! Well I'll be!
Guess I'll trade him in for a smaller cat then? But this little fellah is so "kind" to the fish in my tank. On top of it, I've actually grown to like his "ugly good looks". I can beleive the guy at Petsmart recommended him.
He does a great job of cleaning up though... always stuck to the tank walls with his little sucker mouth ... I noticed his little "mustache" is growing bigger too. I better find a good home for him I suppose.

Thanks for the heads up on my pleco
Pl*co's are cool!

I know mine will grow too big for this tank but at the moment he is only 2-3" long & I am planning to get a bigger tank before much longer.

Try feeding him courgette/zuccini they love it. Put a small piece in boiling water for a few mins to siften the skin & use a vegetable clip.


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