baby whale


New Member
Oct 11, 2003
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Ive recently aqquired a baby whale fish. its about 3 icnches long at present as is currently in a 20 gallon tank on its own. can anybody tell me anything about them.
I don't know all that much about them but heard there are a few different species called baby whales.

In general, they are nocturnal, eat live brine shrimp and live black worms. Best if only one per tank or in a bigger tank keep 6+.

I've heard that they have an electrical organ and are mildly aggro but are very aggro to conspecifics especially if kept in low numbers.

Hopefully others will be able to tell you more.
I saw a baby whale in a shop a couple of days ago. they are in the same family as elephant noses and i am guessing they can get to about 15cm. i hope this is helpful.

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