Baby Snails!


Mostly New Member
Jun 17, 2013
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As if 16 baby Molly's wasn't enough, my tank is now inundated with loads (and I mean loads) of baby snails!
A couple of weeks ago I bought four Horned Nerite Snails. Over the last week or so loads of baby snails have started to appear in the tank, there's so many! What on earth do I do with them? Will they cause major problems to the biological balance in my tank? I did a water change earlier and loads ended up going through the gravel vac and in to the bucket of waste water (where they still are). I have no idea what to do!
Nerites? Is your tank brackish? They are known to breed only in brackish and full saltwater.
DerpPH said:
Nerites? Is your tank brackish? They are known to breed only in brackish and full saltwater.
Nope it's freshwater! Only filled with treated tapwater.
I have the same thing! I bought 12 malaysian trumpet snails just over a month ago and the tank is FULL of baby snails now, theyre so cute, but im worried they will overrun my tank eventually, so if they do ive decided ill give them away to friends who have tanks - if they want them that is!
I wouldnt worry about the biological balance as they are only small for now
It won't be Nerite snails as far as I am aware - the eggs can only hatch in brackish conditions. The same with Amano shrimp larvae only being able to go through metamorphosis in brackish conditions - if you have live plants it will be a type of snail that comes in off those.
W.e kind of snail it is, i doubt it is harmful I've had snails with my fish for years. the fish usually will eat them off and keep the population under control. My goldfish used to love eating them. they will keep multiplying. i dumped all mine in an outdoor pond (not sure if they would live but i couldn't keep them in my 10 gallons)
Yea as others said they are most likely not nerite snails. These snails from my experemce come from plants and decore from tanks with them in there. They stay relativly small and the biggest i have is about an inch possibly even less :O
Probably pond snails, they look very similar to small nerites.
Well they're still there, there's loads, must be well over 100. They're still very small and they seem flat. I've no idea what they are. However I do have two larger snails growing that looks very much like my Nerites..
Somner said:
Well they're still there, there's loads, must be well over 100.
Sounds like you are overfeeding the fish - they only multiply like that when there is food available to do so.
the_lock_man said:
Well they're still there, there's loads, must be well over 100.
Sounds like you are overfeeding the fish - they only multiply like that when there is food available to do so.
Makes sense. But what are they?!
If they look 'flat' they're probably ramshorns, of one species or another.
Where could they have come from? I don't know what to do with them! Everytime I do a water change, loads of them get sucked up the gravel vac. I don't want to just dump them in the garden in case they die, so I always catch them out of the bucket and put them back in to the tank.

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