Baby Snail!?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 28, 2003
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Wellllllllll, so i was checking out my tank last night and what do i notice sliding across the glass right in front of me but a TEEEEEENY TINY snail, complete with itty bitty shell and all. It is so cute, it also appeared outta nowhere, because i have no snails! So my question is, will this baby be alright in the tank for a while? I think he is so adorable, and hes less than half the size of a piece of tank gravel, maybe even smaller, do i have to worry about him and his relatives taking over my tank any time soon? Should i put down cucumber just to see how many there really are in there? i'm just full of questions! well thanks for your help in advance ~sar :thumbs:
Personally unless you've got something in there that eats them or another tank with snail eating fish I'd take em out as you see them.
Must admit I feed mine to the puffers. Trouble is that if you leave them in there any live plants will be wrecked, they'll multiply like crazy and increase the bioload on your tank... you could always by a small tank and get some dwarf puffers :p
woohoo, i've always loved puffers, they look like cartoons, now i can get one! can u keep 2 or more in the same tank? hehe another tank....once you start, you can never stop! teehee :p
Yup Dwarf Puffers can be kept in a 10 gal tank no problems, they're fantastic love the SA Puffers I've got at the moment, seting up another 20 gal soon for dwarfs :p

Blame pufferpack he got me started on these and totally hooked now. ;)
poindexter, before you do, read the pinned articles onpuffers in the oddball section, and do a little research. i love my dwarf, he's in his own five gal, along with some bumblebee gobies. he'll only eat live/moving food, cheeky little bugger, but i love him. planning a 10 gal tank for four more after the new year (thanks to pufferpack, lithril and dixaisy930 for talking me into dwarf puffer :lol: ). they're a really neat and different little fish with tons of personality, nice change from the schooling fish or the basic tropical community fish. :D
:huh: same here I seem to gain snails in both my tanks (70lt and Nursery 10lt) and they definitely come from the new plants. My lfs said that the snails should be taken out as they could bring in disease. I've actually had to take out eggs which have been sticking to the side of the tank and to underside of plant leaves. I personally think it better to take them out - they do definitely multiply and the leaves do take a beating from them.
otay.....well hopefully i can get some puffers eventually to feed them too, but if i find that mini snail again i guess i'll take him out! thanks every1. :thumbs: ~sar
Molly try frozen bloodworm, mine go mad for it, trouble is I'm struggling to get them to eat anything else now :p
dwarf puffers in ten gallons? Hey, once my emergency is over and everything is stable and normal, can I keep 2 dwarf puffers with 6 neon tetras? By the way, do dwarf puffers really puff up?

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