Baby Snail..dead Or Alive?


New Member
Apr 7, 2010
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I have had a white and black aquatic snails in a 2 gallon tank with a betta fish for a little over 2 months. I found a baby snail in the tank once while I was cleaning it out that was floating, I left it be but then it disappeared...I assumed my fish ate it. Today I found another baby at the bottom of the tank under the rocks. I moved the fish into a bowl (to clean out the tank) and the snails along with the baby into another bowl. I am fearful to put him back in the tank with the fish!!! I have been watching the baby for several hours and have not seen it move even the smallest bit. It is laying back down on the bottom of the bowl. How can I tell if it is alive or dead????
ok question, did you buy the snails or did they show up randomly?

are they mystery snails? if not what type they are, that helps out alot
I bought the two snails. I know that one is a black mystery snail the other one I am not sure of it is white though lol.

The baby though just showed up! Now that I have them in their own tank too I see all these little white slimy/gel looking things in the bowl that have little brown dots in them and I looked up what babies look like online and it is almost like the egg sacks but I am not sure???
ok baby mystery snails are very easy to knnow if the snails laid eggs, you will see a large white closter at the top of the tank, then as they hatch they drop down.
now if you have never seen this, it is possible that these "babies" may be the invasive pond snail and if thats the case get rid of it now before it multiplies like rabits.
Alright, well I see sort of clear clusters of a gel like substance with little golden/brown dots in it..kinda looks like eggs! I have seen my snails mate though so I assume it is their babies! There are no active plants or anything in the tank only the colored stones, a plastic plant, a couple of fake coral pieces and the fish and snails. Is there a way that snails could just appear from nothing???????
ok the gel stuff is most defently the pond snails, mystery snails have a hard crusty egg thingy thats hangs from the top of the tank, outside of the water
well the mommy and daddy snail make a wish....just kidding.

have you added anything new to your tank, perhaps a plant, usually the hitchhike on something else, i have even seen pond snails hitchhike on bigger snails
No nothing!!! I bought the fish, the 2 snails and a frog (the fish killed my frog :-( along with a plastic plant, the stones and the fake coral all at the same time and they have all been in the tank the entire time together.

How can I tell if the baby that is in the tank now is a mystery or a pond snail?? Is there a way to tell just looking at it???

I really would assume it was their baby..they do the nasty all the time haha!! They are doing it now as a matter of fact...good lord lol!!!
unless you saw this:

then the babies are ponds and should be removed at your discretion. you will know when a mystery lays eggs because it will look like the eggs above. the little devil snails aka pond snails probably snuck in on the shell of the mystery unnoticed, i had that happen to me once.
Those little whipper snappers! Will they harm anything...they ares so cute! I don't wanna kill them!
well not really they just multiply like crazy, you may have 20 on your hands already and not even know it. they reproduce a sexually unlike the mysteries that that need a male and female in order to lay eggs.
Very interesting, I was under the impression that the mystery snails were hermaphodites and were both male and female. How do i know if they are both girls, boys, or one of each. They are always climbing on top on each other for long periods of time and I looked it up, learning that is what they do to mate???
pick up the mystery snail wait for it to come out of the shell, you can see a little hole or a little ahem.
Really haha, gross!!! I have seen them on top of each other and looks like a ahem on the white one idk about the black one but he has been on top of the other one...freaks lol! I will try that when they stop doing the yucky cause they are at it right now lmao! I have freeaks for snails :)

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