Baby Shrooms


Crazy Crab Lady
Staff member
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Jul 23, 2004
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Northeastern USA
My singular red mushroom finally produced little ones and wandered off to another spot nearby in the tank. The big shroom hasn't accepted target feeding in ages so I gave up (must be fine with the amount of light it gets from the metal halide), but do I need to try feeding the small ones? :unsure: They've got light, but I don't know if they need extra food early on or if they're just like the adults.

On a side note, I'm not sure what it is with that 12g tank lately, but every invert that can spawn is doing so, so I'm not too surprised I got shroomlets this week. Seems like the only things not breeding in that tank I only have 1 of...the substrate is literally crawling with baby Ceriths :crazy:
They're just like the adults. Highly photosynthetic. I haven't target fed my babies ever and I can barely control the population ;)
Exactly. Ive never had to feed mine, except experiments with my Fluffy Morphs. Hav'nt fed them since 2006 though! :shifty: They wont need it. :good:
Good to know, thanks guys! :D My evil goby decided to make a 2" pile of rubble on them last night..darn fish. They look to be ok though.
Good to know, thanks guys! :D My evil goby decided to make a 2" pile of rubble on them last night..darn fish. They look to be ok though.

Heh, I buried one of my adults under a 6" diameter piee of LR once... Mushroom weaseled its way out 2 days later :blink:
is there any way to slow down shrooms. mine are running amock. i had them on two rocks in the center of my tank to start with. now they are sneaking around and popping up everywhere like aptasias.
a quik question, i have what looks like 20 little baby mushes. but they are not close to any other mushrooms. my question is can mushrooms form in any other way other than moving there foot.

many thanks rob
is there any way to slow down shrooms. mine are running amock. i had them on two rocks in the center of my tank to start with. now they are sneaking around and popping up everywhere like aptasias.

Its very difficult, and many do hate morphs for this reason. You could remove some. Good for store credit! ;)

a quik question, i have what looks like 20 little baby mushes. but they are not close to any other mushrooms. my question is can mushrooms form in any other way other than moving there foot.

many thanks rob

Manual devision. Are you sure they are morphs? "Look-alikes" couldperhaps suggest something else? Any images? I also see Mushrooms pop-up from LR occasionally, so perhaps just another hitchhiker.
no these ones are on a bit of ocean rock :blink: , they have started to get bright green centers now . i will try for o a pic but i think they are too small .

rob :good:
There are two processes by which mushrooms divide. First, larger mushrooms can undergo a mitosis-like fission in which they literally split. Second, and more common, they bud off daughter colonies which either fall underneath the mother colony, or release their foot and float away to other parts of the tank/reef. Either the daughter or the mother colony can float away.
Ah crud...I don't know what happened today but the adult shroom has completely dissappeared. I'm hoping it will resurface somewhere, becuase everything else in the tank is happy, checked the water and it's within normal ranges for the tank, but I'm concerned that it seems to have just gone "poof" :unsure: it's been in the tank almost a year, so I don't think there's anything in there that would've eaten it or otherwise killed it, and it was healthy when I had a good look at it the day before yesterday (was out almost all day yesterday so it could have been gone then...). I need to do a bit of substrate cleaning so maybe it'll turn up if it went wandering to close to the goby's hut and got burried.
The shrooms are sort of a dark red-ish brown color. Unfortunately I didn't find the big shroom in the substrate...If it was free floating or decided to attach to some macro, it may have wound up under or in one of the rocks, in which case I'll have a real job getting it out between the goby, chaeto, and bristleworms. I doubt it would have died, since this did happen once before when it hadn't quite settled into its preferred corner, but it's going to be tough finding it through the macro maze.
Found the big shroom on the opposite end of the tank, cemented to the tank floor previously under 3" of gravel and not looking terrebly happy...although it was in a goby "construction zone" so that may be the reason for being somewhat shriveled. The goby excavated a large pit in that area, which is the only reason I found it. The pit won't stay for long though since it's not stable. Should I try to scrape the shroom off and find a better place for it or just leave it be and let it work its way out?

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