Baby Seahorse Journal


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2007
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Hi all. I recently bought a pair of Kuda seahorses knowing the male was pregnant. Hey presto today he gave birth. I wasn't expecting it until tomorrow (all mine have given birth at dawn, usually on a monday morning half an hour before work - not on a Sunday afternoon!) I only managed to find three but I have a sneaky suspicion he will release the rest tomorrow (yes Monday morning) he's still huge. I was going to hold off on this because in the past I have only got the babies to two weeks old and I didn't want the embarrasment of having to say 'oh they all died'. But I figure there is so much knowledge out here maybe you guys can tell me what I'm doing wrong?

The past broods have been reidi which I know are really difficult because of all the malnutrition reasons. I was hoping I might fare better with the kuda. So I have had the baby tank up and running for 12 months (for all the previous broods). Sponge filter, water paramaters fine, light shining at the bottom of the tank so they don't go to the surface for air, brine shrimp hatcheries going for the last few days because I knew he was expecting soon (all the other fish think it's Christmas!). I put the three babies in this afternoon thinking ok three - no hope. I always make sure the brine shrimp are less than two hours old and when they (the seahorses) get big enough I hufa enrich the shrimp. I put some brine shrimp in tonight and hey presto the seahorses bellies have gone bright orange!!!!. :hyper: So I thought I'd share the experience with you guys and update regularly and hopefully you can help me pull this off this time (although I'm well aware that practise makes perfect, I just wish I didn't have to practice on real life animals). Any comments/suggestions welcome - thanks.
i know absolutely nothing about seahorses so cant offer any help i just wanted to say congratulations on your new babies!
hope they make it, looking forward to pics

i know absolutely nothing about seahorses so cant offer any help i just wanted to say congratulations on your new babies!
hope they make it, looking forward to pics


Thanks very much - as for pics, I tried before and all you could see were baby brine shrimp - if they're still with us after a week or so I'll try again

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