Baby platies?


New Member
Feb 5, 2004
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Do guppy fry and platie fry look different? We have 2 platies, and we had guppies their are three fry and we are unsure whether they are guppy or platy....

I think thay look just like thier parents.
Seen silver fry just like the mother.
Ya, it depends. From what i know, if they are a pale greyish/yellowish white, they are probobly guppy fry, but it depends, i've even had black fry from a pair of yellow adults!
my platty fry was just a little orange speck. (Red wag platty)Cutest thing ever. after about 3 weeks started getting the black fins and more defined colours.
canoechiq said:
my platty fry was just a little orange speck. (Red wag platty)Cutest thing ever. after about 3 weeks started getting the black fins and more defined colours.
exactly like my platty fry!

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