Baby Peacock Gobies


May 14, 2004
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:D :p :lol:
Yeah I have baby peacock Gobies. They all hatched on the weekend and i am now trying to raise the fry! :S
Good luck, hope you have pleanty of brine shrimp hatchers on the go.
Ahh well there was the problem couldn't get brineshrimp anywhere or advice on how to hatch them they left me looking like this :blink: So did research and found a food made by ZD limited that is a replacement / supplement for baby brineshrimp.Company claims baby fish love it and its worked on Cichlids and other egg layers. Thought I'd try it, figured if it didn't work i'd try and get the gobies to breed again and have brineshrimp ready.
But this food seems to be working and the babies are coming out to eat it- or at least coming to the surface when i put it in. :D So every thing is crossed hoping that the babies survive!! :nod:
Hi Comet Cattle

They are sooo small :thumbs: Just eyeballs basiccally i can't see them all at the same time there were 50-60 eggs and they all hatched so i assume all the babies are in the tank.
unfortuneately I left the gravel in the tank so they hide out in there until i put food in. I'll know better next time!! Not to sure how to clean the tank now though. Any ideas? :blink:
I've already had to use tights wrapped around the filter cause i suspected some might get sucked in! They are sooooo tiny :blink:
For the time being, I would just siphon water offf the surface or if you could try to draw the fry to the surface with food, then try to vacuum a little.

Good luck! :)
I don't actually have a digital camera :-( otherwise this site would be plastered with pictures of my ship but htis site has some really nice pictures of them:
Gobabies :p

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